Ch.33, What a Wonderful... Bald Eagle?

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I looked up through the rain misting down, surprised to see Bastien running through this mist, his hood pulled up. He grinned, and shook the water from him when he stood beneath the thick branches of the pine. I couldn't stop my answering smile.

"I didn't think you'd be out here today," he said, glancing up at the enormous pine I now thought of as a friend. Some of the trees in the Dark Realm talked, and I have expected this one too. I wasn't sure if he thought I wouldn't be here because of the pouring rain, or because he'd promised to lift the leper ban, or because the fact that we'd spent the morning at I-Hop, collapsed into bed for an hour, and then staggered into first period twenty minutes late. His hair was a slick, ebony black in the rain, and I had the sudden urge to run my fingers through it.

"I always eat lunch out here," I patted the carpet of pine needles beside me. Though it was the only tree in the field, the thick branches kept the rain away and made a warm, dry carpet beneath. "Join me."

Bastien sat beside me, folding his long legs up to his chest, staring out at the rain.

"You know... you don't have to keep eating out here. I told them to lay off." He rushed on. "I know they've been total jerks to you. And I'm sorry I was too. I should have told them to stop." He shook his head, voice dark for a moment. "Three more students disappeared over the weekend, and I think people are starting to get scared." Then he jerked, suddenly looking up at me. "Not that that makes it right! I'm just— you don't have to eat out here." He finally looked up to meet my eyes, his face ashamed. I smiled at him.

"It's alright Bastien." And I meant it. "I'll admit the first couple times I ate out here were lonely. But now," I looked up at the branches above me. "I like it out here. It reminds me of home." Not to mention if I kept Poxel cooped up too long, he started threatening to burn down the school. He currently soared in the clouds as a rather magnificent eagle he swore was native to these parts. I sighed as I looked up at the branches above."Sometimes the sky just seems too high and overwhelming... The Human Realm is beautiful, almost overwhelmingly so ... it's also filled with so much noise and color and distractions. But out here... it's quiet. Simple. Like home." My breath came out in white swirls, and I waited for him to laugh. But his dark eyes were only curious when they met mine.

"What's it like? The Dark Realm?"

And so I told him about the fairies dancing at midnight, the dragons flying, the elven woods, the low sky of mist that held the magic within the land.

"And none of the magical creatures could survive here?"

I paused, wondering if it was time I introduced him to Poxel... but I didn't want to interrupt the warmth of this moment.

"Some of the smaller creatures can, with charms to protect them and keep the magic contained within them. And certainly there are creatures who slip through at night, and return before dawn. It's where all the stories come from. But most can only survive for a short time, and if they don't find a way back to the Dark Realm before dawn, they die." I paused. "It's why The Blood Rose is so important. It holds the Realms apart... and it also keeps the sun from burning away the magic of the Dark Realm."

"I see." But his eyes were dark and distance, thinking of something far away. The rain began to come down harder, and I leaned back from the splash of it. Bastien suddenly shrugged out of his jacket.

"Here. You look cold."

I smiled and then wrapped it around me."Thank you." It was warm from his body, and smelled like him, fresh with a scent of the woods. "But enough about the Dark Realm," I said. "I feel like I know so little about this realm! Tell me something that you love here?"

He stared out in the rain, and then smiled. "Music."

This surprised me. Of course I'd heard the court musicians play for Lorcan, but they were few and far between.

"Do you sing? Or play instruments?"

He laughed. "No, I'm not musically talented." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, with a strange wiry chord attached, "Here, take this side."

He handed me a long string with a sort of bulge at the end, and I stared at it, mystified. "What do I do with it?"

"Oh, um, you put it in your ear. Here, like this." He reached forward, his fingers for a moment brushing my hair back, his fingers touching my face. My stomach clenched suddenly, and our eyes meant. My skin flushed, his lips so close to mine.

And then a miracle happened.

Music like I'd never heard began to flood my ears. I leaned back and held my breath as a low soulful voice sang in my ear, accompanied by what sounded like several musicians. The only thing that kept me grounded to the earth was Bastien's warmth pressed against mine.

The song ended, and I opened my eyes to see Bastien watching me. "That was Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World. Do you want to hear another?"

"I want to hear all of them."

He laughed, and my heart jumped at the way his eyes crinkled. "Well, I've got a couple thousand on here, so it might take a while."

The bell rang, and we both started at the noise. For a moment, I'd forgotten where we were. The few students that had huddled under the awnings began to trickle back inside.

"Should we make a run for it?" he asked, standing up and offering me a hand.

"Just don't run as slow as you did yesterday," I said as he pulled me up. He threw his head back and laughed.

"Just as long as you don't have anyone chasing you. I'll give you a ride after school okay?"

"That would be nice." I was suddenly aware how alone we were.

And then an enormous thud sounded above us in the tree. Bastien jerked, looking up.

I can't believe those men tried to shoot me! All I wanted was to ride in their boat! These creatures are supposed to be the symbol of their country, they could show a little respect!

"Holy crap... is that a bald eagle?" Bastien said, staring wide-eyed up into the tree.

First on my to-do list: explain Poxel.

But for now, we were going to be late for class. So I jumped into the rain, and yelled over my shoulder, "Race ya to the door!" Bastien came running after me.

I won.

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