Hannah's Rules

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Hi! I'm Hannah and I write books XD Thanks for being here!

 If you want to find me off of Wattpad, I am on Instagram as @h.j.nelson . I also have an email newsletter with sneak peeks and exclusive content (like a free prologue to The Last She and my top 10 tips to writing success! You can subscribe on my Wattpad Profile page). Before you go on, please read the awesome possum poem of rules for my book I wrote for ya'll below ;)

*AS OF 1/25/2021 , I am reuploading this book. I decided to rewrite it, so wanted to include you guys on those rewrites. Let me know what you think! 


Poor Hannah one day was crying, 

her readers asked the same questions each time,

They never would go read her rules, 

Then she said, "A-ha, they must Rhyme!" 

First remind them to always be kind, 

that bullies and haters are never allowed.

And though things in your head might be funny,

please consider comments are read by a crowd.

Next she gasped aloud as she realized

many had yet to follow her on Insta and Twitter,

Go quick, follow now! she said loudly,

or you'll end up friendless, alone and quite bitter.

Next remind  them this book is a first draft,

where mistakes and typos will abound

and while suggesting plot changes can be helpful

don't be that one annoying grammar hound. 

For example, you "their, they're and there" people,

For Hufflepuff's sake just let it go!

We get that you're reeeeaaallll smart, 

Now please, just leave it alone.

Last tell them a book is a journey,

and you hope you can make it with friends.

Remind them that you are also a person,

who works hard to write to The End. 

Now tell them to all crowd a bit closer, 

tell them listening is never a crime. 

For you're about to  hear a story,

that begins Once Upon A Time....


Do not steal my book or reproduce it in any way. 

DO NOT mine my book for ideas and details, then go publish a book eerily similar to it.  

-Frequently Asked Questions-

1. Do you take reading requests?/ Will you read my book?

Sorry, but no. Perhaps someday if I find a time-turner, but for now I only have so much time in my life, and just don't have the time to take reading requests. However Wattpad is full of lovely readers, I know you can find people who would Love to read your book! Also PLEASE don't post in the comments of my book asking others to read your book. That is rude!

2. Can I send you artwork/fanwork for your book? 

YES! I love to see the artwork/banners/videos that readers make for my works. Please send them to me on Twitter, my handle is @hjnelson , OR send them to me on Instagram (@ h.j.nelson) OR Direct Message me on Wattpad that you have a photo, and I can put it up as a banner within the book. That way others can enjoy them as well!

3. Are you ever going to publish The Last She? 

YES! The Last She will be published by Wattpad Book coming Fall 2021. Again, follow me on Instagram and Twitter (or best of all, subscribe to my email newsletter) for updates.

4. Do you have any recommendations for writers?

Yes! Because I was asked this so often, I made a list of things I recommend. Find this under my works, titled, Tips on How to be Successful on Wattpad... I will also start sending out writing tips in my email newsletter, so again, don't forget to subscribe there! (And new subscribers will receive a downloadable PDF of my Top 10 Tips for Writing Success ;)

6. Who are those really cool looking people in the banner? XD

That would be me and my wonderful husband Travis. This book, and none of my writing would be here without him. Trav, thank you so much for your love, patience and encouragement.  

This one is for you. 

Rell and The RoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ