Ch. 56, A Storm of Magic

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I wasn't sure if the students would remember Cat cutting the music and announcing they all needed to return to the house. But I didn't doubt that the legend of the stray rhinoceros would be passed down for generations to come.

RHINOCEROS ATTACKKKKKK! Poxel charged gleefully through the woods, shrieks and screams coming through the trees, as the few stragglers came screaming back into the house.

Finally, all the students were trapped within the house, with what looked like a hundred phones pressed up against the glass.

Poxel, I sent to him as he pounded across the front lawn. What happened after Lorcan became the Beast? What did the Blood Rose do?
It laugh.

The hair on my neck stood on end. Then I took a deep, steadying breath, knowing what I had to do, even as the fear grew inside me. You are a Beast-Slayer of the Dark Realm, and this is your duty. It was as if Poxel sensed my decision.

Don't go after Rose, Rell. It trick, confuse. Doesn't want to return. We wait till tomorrow, find it with Lorcan and Bastien. He sent me a feeling that was something like a tight hug, or a last glimpse of someone you loved. Concern.

It's going to be alright Poxel. I've trained for this. And I couldn't risk the Blood Rose moving before then.

So I turned to Cat. "Lorcan had the Blood Rose before he became the Beast. It must be somewhere close to where we last saw him. I'm going after it."

"I'm coming with you."

"Cat, it's going to be dangerous—"

But she held up a hand, eyes fire. "I'm coming with you."

I hesitated, then nodded, "Alright, let's go." I sent a last thought to Poxel. Don't let anyone leave the house. Keep them safe.

Rhino Poxel shall not fail you.

With that, Cat and I charged back into the forest. The golden light of the house faded, the forest became something darker and more sinister. The deeper we walked, the louder I felt the deep pulse of the magic, whispering and calling, sinking into my bones. And then the whispers grew into words, spoken inside my head as Poxel did. But instead of Poxel's warm voice, this one was cold and mocking, like a scaly finger scraped along skin.

Two beauties, seeking out the Blood Rose. Come to me and unburden yourself.

Cat froze beside me, her eyes were wide, terrified. "Is that it?"

I nodded. "Yes." We're getting closer. We kept walking, until I stepped around a massive pine tree and stopped. There, laying on the ground, was a single glowing, red petal.

I hesitated, then I reached down to touch the petal, but as soon as I did, it disappeared. I couldn't explain it, but as I did, I felt a far away sensation of a sigh, and a sudden release.

"Where did it go?" Cat whispered. I shook my head, not sure how to explain what had just happened.

"I'm not sure. Come on. We must be close now." Together we followed the growing siren call of the Rose through the darkened forest. At some point Cat had taken my hand, and now she clenched it so hard it hurt.

The voice grew louder and stronger, mocking us as we came closer. One girl, who wishes to stay in the Human Realm. And the other, who wishes to join her Prince in the Dark Realm forever. Come, make a trade with me.

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