Chapter Eleven

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I didn't sleep well. I had grown too used to having my mate beside me every night for the past month to feel comfortable without him.

Every time I managed to shut my eyes nightmares would haunt me. I knew that my father would come in the morning and this time I wouldn't have my mother, Brendan or Phil to save me.

I had just finished getting dressed when I heard the lock release and my father stormed in the room, Gary carefully shutting the door behind them. My father strode straight to me and back handed me across the face, hard. I was thrown to the floor from the force.

"How dare you, you little whore!"

I held my face tenderly in my hand and glared up at him.

"He's my mate and he sure as hell has treated me with more affection and love than you have!" I bit back at him.

I knew I shouldn't provoke him, but I couldn't help it. No matter how much I hated him, I had his blood running through my veins and I was just as quick to temper as he was.

"Your mate!" He scoffed and spat on the floor beside me. "What good has a mate ever done anyone?"

I pulled myself off of the floor and stood facing him dead on.

"Just because Jackson's mother wasn't your mate doesn't mean-"

I was cut off by another jaw shattering slap. Tears welled in my eyes from the force. I heard a crack in my head. In an hour my whole face would be swollen and blue.

"Don't you dare speak of her." He growled viciously. "You know nothing!"

I bit my tongue and looked away from him. Provoking him any further wouldn't do me any good and I just wanted to crawl back into bed and dream that Jackson was there with me.

My father clenched his hand into a fist and I winced. Instead of drawing it back to strike me with it, he clenched and unclenched it repeatedly as silence ensued.

"To ensure that you no longer have any ties with the Merphate Pack, you are hereby officially promised to be mated and married to Brendan."

I looked up quickly only for my vision to go out of focus. My father walked out the door followed by Gary. The door slammed shut and locked. My eyes swam and it was a miracle I was even able to climb into bed. My whole face throbbed painfully and I couldn't bear to move my jaw even a centimetre.

I was already mated. Mating with Brendan would kill me without a doubt. You don't just re-mate. You can't. My father had just signed my death warrant. I rubbed my eyes, feeling strangely tired and disoriented. The last thing I thought about before I fell asleep was Jackson.


I didn't have any other visitors for a week. Like the last time I was held prisoner in my bedroom, meals were slipped to me during the day. Other than that, I had no contact with another soul – not even my father. I assumed he wanted to wait until my face was healed before anyone saw me. God forbid anyone see how the pack master treated his only child.

On the eighth day of my confinement, a letter was slipped under the door with one of my meals. My father had left me instructions. My mother was planning on visiting today to go over the plans for the wedding. If I let anything slip he wouldn't hesitate to attack the Merphate Pack immediately and without mercy.

I came here to protect my pack. Not to give my father further cause to destroy them without hesitation.

So, I jumped in the shower and made myself look presentable. My mother had been told that for the past week I had been meeting with psychiatrists to help me get through my traumatic experience. I rolled my eyes.

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