Chapter Seventeen

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Two days later I lay in my bed holding a vial in my hand. Will sat stood beside me, shifting from his left foot to his right food repeatedly.

"Stop, you're making me nervous," I barked at him as I shook the liquid up, stirring the insides.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Will asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"You okayed the idea!" I replied as I unscrewed the cover on the tiny glass bottle and smelled it.

It smelled good, deceptively so. Like fresh strawberries and vanilla.

"Is everything set up?" I asked Will and he nodded his head. "You remember everything you have to do?"

He nodded again.

"Well, bottoms up I guess," I say and down the whole vial before I have a chance to hesitate.

I prayed to the Goddess that this worked. Not that praying to her has worked in the past, but I figured at this point she owed me one.

My vision started to get blurry and the room tilted, causing me to fall back on the bed. I stared up at the white ceiling as it turned grey and started to dim. I could hear my breath hitching and my heart slowing and I fought to draw breath.

"Romy?" I heard a distant, underwater voice call to me. "Rosemarie?"

I didn't have the energy to move my head. I just let my eyes close and I surrendered to the darkness.


I woke up with a start, sitting up instantly. My hands went to my throat, gasping for breath. A glass of water was placed in front of me and I drank it down greedily. My eyes stung from the sudden light and I shut them for a few moments to adjust as I savoured the feel of the cool liquid sliding down the back of my parched throat.

"How are you feeling?" Will asked beside me.

"Like I woke up from the dead," I managed to joke before I took a look at him.

If possible, he looked even more worried than he had before I took the vial which I would have thought impossible.

"Did we find the spy?" I asked, wondering if something had gone wrong.

His brow furrowed and caused wrinkles on his forehead. I could imagine the lines that would appear there in years to come, especially if Jackson didn't take his place back as Alpha.

"We did," Will said. "But we have something more important to worry about right now. I need you to get up."

A little shocked, I stood up. My knees wobbled a bit unsteadily and Will grabbed my elbow to help me find my balance.

"What's happening?" I asked quickly.

"Jackson was just here. You've been out for two days and I was on my way to wake you up now that we have Bradley in custody-"

"Bradley?" I gasped. Sure, he was always a bit of an asshat, but he was in Jackson's inner circle of friends. Why would he betray us to the Cardaver pack?

"Yes, but we can get to that later. I still don't have any answers from him," Will said. "Romy, Jackson saw you, he was here. When I walked in he just jumped out the window and vanished before I could explain anything to him. I have no idea how he even found out."

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