Chapter Six

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        The next few days passed in a hazy blur. All of my possessions save my bedroom furniture and a few clothes had been confiscated as though I had hidden some secret of Jackson's in my Doc Martins. The side of my face where my father had hit me had swollen and my eye had bruised, given me the look of someone who had just been in a boxing match.

I couldn't find the will to care.

Instead, after my initial fighting and pleading with the pack members who boxed up and took away my things, I just laid on my bed – staring off into space, imagining what it would have been like to simply have gone with Jackson the day that he had bit me.

The night of the full Moon my body felt electrified, as usual. This brought on a sense of confinement and fear. I would be forced to turn tonight, regardless of what I wanted, and my wolf would be trapped in this room. She would try any method to get out, including ripping the bars off of the window with her teeth – which she could. The other pack members would hunt me down and rip out my throat without a second thought if I tried to escape. Maybe that is what my father had wanted all along.

But, even if I managed to somehow evade hundreds of wolves, I wouldn't even know how to get to the Merphate pack. And they would all be shifted as well.

I curled into a ball on my bed, praying that I could somehow control the wolf raging inside of me.

One hour before nightfall, Phil came to my room and shackled my hands.

"We are going to put you in one of the cells in the basement," he explained.

The cells were specifically engineered to be strong enough to keep a werewolf captured. This new prison I would be taken to would save my life... for another twenty-eight days at least.

The halls of my father's house were vacant and eerie. Everyone would be outside by now, either shifted or shifting. No one liked being forced to shift by the Moon; the pull was more torturous than doing it freely. So, normally we shifted on our own before we felt the pull. I felt the beginning tugs of it now and I am sure that Phil did as well.

I said nothing as Phil marched me into the basement and placed me in a cell. It wasn't until I heard the door shut behind me and lock automatically that I felt safe to whisper a "thank you".

Phil did not reply and simply left me in the basement to myself.

I ridded myself of my clothing and shifted only a moment later.


The night was a long one. My wolf yearned to run through the woods freely; instead she was confined in a small cage. She wanted to be with her mate, which made my heart ache to the point of breaking. Instead, we were in solitary confinement. We had never been without our pack before. We were lonely and cramped and miserable. The longer the night went on the more stir-crazy we got. She even went as far as to start chewing, fruitlessly, on the bars.

As soon as the moon's pull had vanished, I was a girl again. A naked girl who frantically pulled her clothes back on before curling up in a corner. Almost the whole pack would still be out running. They would run until day-break, maybe even longer. I would be stuck in here for at least another three hours. Which, I suppose was better than the alternative – dead by the hands of my former pack.

However, I did not have to wait long until Phil was unlocking the door of my cell.

"Do I need to use the handcuffs?" He asked.

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