Chapter Thirteen - B

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"Where are you?" Jackson demanded, frantic.

"I'm at the hospital," I whispered hoarsely.

"What are you doing there?" He practically barked and I could hear him running through the house, grabbing his keys and slamming the door behind him. "Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

Just hearing him even refer to the baby was enough to choke me up and send me spiralling. He was worried about it just as much as I was. I suddenly just wanted to see him. I couldn't tell him what had happened over the phone. It wasn't fair to him.

"Jackson, I need you," I sobbed.

I heard a car engine start up and rev.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," he said. "I love you. Be strong."

"I love you too," I said and he hung up.


Jackson made it to the hospital in record time. I honestly had no idea how he could have gotten there that fast in a car. It seemed like only minutes after he had hung up he was storming through my hospital room door.

"Jesus Christ," he said after taking one look at me.

He marched over to my bed and perched in the chair my mother had previously been in. I thanked her mentally for giving us time.

"What on Earth did that bastard do to you?" He cursed and reached out to touch my face, but his hand faltered. He didn't want to hurt me.

I hadn't seen my face yet and now I wasn't sure I wanted to see the extent of the damage on my body. I was every colour of the rainbow except for pale pink, my usual colouring.

"All I could do was curl up and try and protect the baby, but it didn't work," I whispered and more tears fell from my eyes. "They found out we were married. My father went ballistic. He and Gary did this before my mother could stop them. She and Brendan got me here."

His eyes flashed with fury and he stood up. I could tell his wolf was dictating his behaviour and his wolf was demanding blood. Someone else had hurt what was his to protect and he was going to do anything it took to make sure justice was served.

"No," I say and reach for his hand, but get stopped short by searing pain in my chest. I inhale sharply and fall back.

It was enough to get his attention. He stopped and looked down at me before sitting back, stiffly, in the chair.

"Please, just stay with me. I need you here. I missed you so much and I can't ever bear to be without you again," I pleaded. "Please, just stay. We can figure it out together."

Jackson's jaw tightened, but his shoulders loosened a bit. He nodded and I moved over a little bit in my bed, wincing a bit while I did it. The searing pain in my whole body caused painful shocks from even just breathing. Moving was another level altogether.

"What are you doing?" Jackson asked, standing up and holding his hand over me like he wasn't sure what he should do.

"I want to lay in bed with you," I breathed out when I had finally inched over enough to make space with him.

I needed him with me. I needed the reassurance that he was here, with me.

"I don't think that is such a good idea. You need to rest and be still."

"That is why I need you here," I sighed. "You keep my nightmares away. I need to feel safe."

Jackson stared at me with his piercing blue eyes. They were filled with unshed tears and I could tell that he was trying to be strong for me.

"Promise to kick me out at the first sign I make you even slightly make you uncomfortable?" He asked, hesitant.

"I promise," I said but there was no way I would kick him out. Not in a million years.

He nodded and gently laid on the bed, careful not to move it around too much. He wrapped his arm around me and I nestled a little into his chest, breathing in his scent. I had missed it, missed him, so much that the relief I felt being here with him was palpable.

But it was coupled with a deep, profound sadness. We had lost something tonight too. We had lost a piece of ourselves that we would never be able to replace. I held on to him tighter, for fear I would lose him too. It would be unbearable. Was there a limit to the amount of pain one person could feel all at once?

I was drained. Physically and emotionally.

" I just want to hid you away from the world," Jackson whispered into my hair. "When will it ever be enough?"

"Maybe when this is all over, you and me can go hid away from the world for a little while," I wished. "We can go away for a few months on an island paradise where it is just us and no one else."

"It sounds like heaven," Jackson smiled and kissed my forehead. "It is a promise then."

I felt the wetness of the tears he had been holding back land softly on my head.

"Promise," I said and kissed his chest gently.


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