Chapter Eight

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I was naked. That was the first thing I thought when I awoke. I was enveloped in soft sheets and a warm comforter. My eyes fluttered slightly and I inhaled the pillow deeply.

It smelled of sandalwood, pine and cinnamon; it smelled of Jackson.

My left hand was firmly in the grasp of another hand. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jackson holding my hand in his own tightly, his head slumped on the bed and breathing deeply – obviously sleeping. I looked right and noticed a window. The near-full moon shone brightly through the darkness outside, illuminating a massive forest below.

How long had I been out? Where was I?

Jackson stirred beside me, letting out a small groan.

"Jackson?" I whispered.

He shot his head up, his light eyes still bleary from sleep. His hand released mine and instead flew up to my forehead followed by the other on my cheek.

"The fever is still gone, thank God," he said and looked me in the eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than I have in a long time," I answer truthfully.

"Unfortunately it won't last unless we complete the mating ritual."

I nodded and fiddled with my hands, now gently folded in my lap. My face burned brighter than the sun and I tried to look anywhere other than Jackson.

"How long have I been out?"

"A little over five hours. I was starting to get worried."

I turned back to him and placed my hand back on his own.

"How is Phil?"

"Fine thanks to you, we wouldn't have even realized he needed our help if not for you." Jackson smiled. "His daughter will probably be by sometime to personally thank you. Will, he was the man who was with me, he pulled Phil out of the woods was his son-in-law."

I nodded. That explained how quickly he had surged into the forest after Phil. I looked down at the healing-bruise on my wrists, luckily werewolves heal quickly and it was finally beginning to heal now that I was safe and sound. The whole right side of my body ached dimly, but I could feel it healing already.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep cleansing breath. I was finally free again. I exhaled slowly.

"How does the pack feel about me being here?" I asked, not sure that I wanted to know the answer. But, I had to know what I was up against here.

"Better after you saved Phil's life," said Jackson. "They accept that we are mates and most of them are happy for me – for us."


"Well, there are some that have been after my affections for quite some time, they are disappointed," he blushed. "As for the others, I think that they are just worried about having another outbreak of war between our two packs. I don't think anyone holds anything against you personally."

I nodded solemnly.

"And my father? Have you heard from him?"

I wondered if he would have contacted the Merphate pack by now, demanding my release.

"He already contacted us." Jackson ran his hand through his hair. "It is the Truce Month. He said that we have one month to return you to him or it will be cause for war."

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