Chapter 45: Nia

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"I can not get over how good you look." Tasha said putting the finishing touches on my hair and makeup. "I've really out done myself this time."

Maya stepped into the bathroom. "Wow, Nia you look great."

I looked in the mirror for myself. I was amazed at how amazing I looked. I was confident in Tasha's make-up abilities, that is her job, but I was still shocked at how well she had done. She'd somehow managed to make me look like myself but ten times better. Turning my head to the side, I checked out my glowing cheekbones. I'm obsessed.

"Do you love it?" she asked looking at me.

"Yes! I love it," I told her.

A huge grin spread across her face. She came over to me and began loosening up my curls with her fingers. We'd started taking my braids down as soon as we got to Lavender's house last night. Maya was right when she said six hands would be better than two, I wouldn't have been able to take them down by myself and still have time to style. And our Walmart trip was a journey to say the least.

Tasha ran wild in the haircare and make-up section, while Lavender filled our cart with arms full of snacks. I was in a disarray texting my grandmother about our plans for tomorrow. She was extremely excited about my decision to go to prom. I could tell that Maya's social battery had died long ago, and that she was getting tired of all of us.

"That Whitney girl is going to choke when she sees how amazing you look," she said to me.

"God, I hope so," Lavender said as she put on her lipstick in the bathroom mirror. Her bathroom counter was a mess of hair care products, make-up, and oddly, Cheez-Its.

        "I honestly don't care about her." As much as I would love to see Whitney gag over my being at prom, but I'm going to pay her and everyone else no mind. The only person I want to see is Marcus, I hope he's there.

    But I know there's slim chance of that. He was only going because I was going to go with him. But Crystal, Nick, Sam, and Stacy are going to be there, so maybe he'll tag along.

    "Come here, Nia, I want to take some pictures for instagram," Lavender said calling me over to where she was standing in the bathroom.

    "Oh, I want to take some too," said Tasha.

    We spent the next thirty minutes taking pictures in front of the mirror, all various levels of seriousness. And who knows how much longer we would have stayed up there if Lavender's mom wouldn't have announced my grandmother's arrival. "Nia, your grandmother is here!"

    Of course, she wanted to see me off to my first prom, so I had sent her Lavender's address last night.

    "Grandma!" I exclaimed as I descended the stairs, holding onto the ivy covered railing.

    I walked into her arms, giving her a hug. "Nia, you look beautiful, honey," she smiled looking at me. She didn't work today so she was wearing a casual pair of jeans and floral print top.

    "Guess how much my dress cost," I told her.

    She looked it up and down. "Two hundred dollars," she guessed.

    "Try twenty!"

    "Wow, I've taught you well," she said impressed. Us Owens women love a good bargain. I mean we sort of have to, we don't have a lot of money.

    Roger and Monica came up to us as the rest of the girls came downstairs.

    "You ladies look great," Roger complimented us. He held a small tea cup in his hands. "Did you enjoy the products we gave you?"

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