Chapter 30- Marcus

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Wiping the condensation from coffee cup on my pants leg. I had stopped by Starbucks and gotten Nia a coffee and a blueberry muffin. I wasn't sure what coffee she liked so I got her what my mom always orders, a vanilla iced coffee. I set the blueberry muffin and the coffee next to me on the window seat.  

I watched as the melting ice floated to the top of the plastic cup. Maybe I should have asked her if she had any food allergies. God, what if she has an allergic reaction to the muffin, or the coffee?

"Hi," I looked up into Nia's brown eyes.

"Hi." I stood up abruptly.

"Good morning,"She smiled. " You got coffee?" She observed the coffee cup in my hands.

"Oh, it's for you," I said handing her the coffee and the muffin. "I didn't know what you liked, so I got you this."

"It's great," she thanked me. "This is what I always get."

"So you don't have any food allergies?" I asked. "No gluten or fruit allergies I should know about before you eat that muffin.

"Nope," she replied taking a sip of her coffee. "I have no allergies. Well, not any that I know about anyway."

I felt relieved. "Good, I realized I don't know much about you. Besides your love of stickers and Harry Potter."

"And that I have no food allergies," she said.

"That too." I smiled. "But since we're dating I feel like I should know more things about you."

She sat on the edge of the window seat. "Okay, what do you want to know?"

"Well," I started sitting next to her. "What's your favorite movie?"

"Oh, that's easy. Twilight."

I couldn't keep the disgust off my face. She nudged my shoulder. "Don't look like that, it's good."

"But it's not," I chuckled.

"I admit it's not the best," she said. "But there's just something about them that I like."

"Is it because they sparkle." She rolled her eyes at me.

"What's your favorite movie? Harry Potter."

I raised my eyebrow. "How did you know?"

"Dumb luck," she shrugged. "I wish I could make fun of you, but that's one of my favorite movies too."

"Are you sure you're not just trying to redeem yourself?" I asked playfully.

She brushed the hairs out of my face. "You know you're lucky you're cute."

I held her hand to my face bringing it to my lips and kissing the back of her hand. I threaded my fingers through hers, and rested them in my lap. It felt good having her hand in mine.

"So you only like me, because I'm devastatingly handsome?"

Resting her head on my shoulder, she said, "No, it's because you're smart and funny," she looked up at me, "and devastatingly handsome."

After kissing her, I said, "You're so beautiful." I leaned my forehead against hers.
"Thank you, but you're still not off the hook for making fun of my movie choice."
"What do you think would happen if we stayed up here all day?"  We stood in front of the library doors. From the window I could see the kids walking up and down the hall. I didn't want to leave the small haven we had made.

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