Chapter 19- Nia

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Tasha said as we sat in the food court. I had already finished work for the day and was trying to recoup from a brutal opening shift with a plate of fried rice the size of my head. Tasha and Maya were on their lunch break. Tasha sipped from her strawberry milkshake careful not to smear her perfectly applied red lipstick. While, Maya stuffed her face with a burger and fries.

"So what?" I asked taking a sip of my soda.

"Are you going to tell us what happened with private school bae or not?" she specified.

"I thought we had decided to call him Vanilla Ice," Maya said her mouthful.

"You decided that. I decided on private school bae," Tasha said, "But that doesn't matter now. What happened yesterday?"

"Vanilla Ice is so much better," Maya said under her breath.

I swallowed. "Well, I went to his house, and I met his mom and his brother, and his nanny."

"A nanny, how fancy," Maya commented.

"Oh, Tasha, I got a gift for you." I pulled the copy of Ellen's book out of my bag.

"How did you get this?" Tasha turned the book over in her hands. "I've been trying to get this for weeks!"

"What is it?" Maya asked looking at the light blue cover of the book. "Oh is that that white woman you're obsessed with?"

"Ellen Garret is a lifestyle God." Tasha turned the book around tapping on the cover. "Do you see these pants? Givenchy silk trousers." She moved her finger down the cover. "This couch. Custom made by Italian designer, Antonio Dante, it's worth more than everything I own."

Maya nodded. "Dope."

Tasha huffed unsatisfied with Maya's irreverence. "Anyways, how did you get this, Nia?"

"She's Marcus's Mom," I explained. "She even signed it for you."

Tasha immediately opened the front cover and stared down at Ellen's pretty cursive handwriting. "This is awesome, Nia. Thanks." She hugged me.

"You're welcome," I smiled.

"Now that we're done giving gifts, can you finish telling us what happened yesterday?"

"Okay, I met his family, except his dad. He wasn't there. We studied for awhile, we jumped on the trampoline, and he tried to kiss me."

"Excuse me?"

"What did you say?" Maya asked her cheeseburger a few inches for her mouth.

"We jumped on the trampoline. It was actually a lot of fun. Have you ever seen an in-ground trampoline? Apparently, they are all the rage in Europe," I explained.

"Not that. He tried to kiss you?"

"Well he didn't so much as try. We were going to, but his brother interrupted us before anything could happen."

"Alright, girl!" Tasha explained. "Get it, you how you live it."

"Kissing before the first date," Mya acted offended. "Nia Owens, you whore."

"I mean, duh," I laughed. She gave me a playful shove with a laugh. I sighed. "But I'm still not sure if he likes me."

"Of course, he likes you," Tasha and Maya assured me.

"I mean at least enough to want to make out with you," said Maya.

Tasha scrutinized her. "Do you ever get enough of being a sarcastic asshole?"

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