Chapter 35- Nia

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"Are you going to get your prom dress today?" Marcus asked as he walked me to gym.

"Yeah, hopefully I find something." We weaved through the other students keeping our hands locked together. I had looked at some dresses online last night but I couldn't find anything that would ship in time. So Maya, Tasha, and I are going to look for one after school.

"I'm sorry I asked you so last minute," he apologized.

"I transferred at the end of a semester, Marcus. No matter when you would have asked me it still would have been last minute." We approached the gym and I saw Lavender talking to a girl with a light blue pixie cut. I've never seen this girl before maybe she's new like me.

Wait, is that Stacy?

"Stacy?" I said walking up to them. "Your hair!"

She blushed instinctively touching it. "I know, I may have cut too much."

"No, I love it!" Her once waist length hair was cut into a short pixie hair style and she stayed true to her word and dyed it a pastel blue. She looked like the tooth fairy, all she needed was a pair of wings.

"I'm so jealous," said Lavender. "That's it, I'm chopping my hair off."

"No,you're not," Stacy and I said in unison.

"Fine, I'm not," she huffed, folding her arms against her chest. "But I'm going to think about it."

"I like your hair," Marcus complimented Stacy. "It looks nice."

"Thanks, Marcus."

Lavender sighed, staring at her hair dreamily. "So short, so rebellious."

Like her black lipstick and excessive collection of black platform boots and chains isn't rebellious enough.

"It looks like you guys are going to be boxing again," Marcus pointed out. We all looked through the glass doors at Coach as he brought out the box of boxing gloves and sparring mitts.

"Yes!" Lavender said excited. "You know I think I've finally found my favorite gym activity."

"It's too bad you only have a few weeks left in the class," said Stacy. "Maybe you can take it again next semester."

Lavender laughed. "Yeah, right. After this semester I'm never taking another gym class again."

"Me either," I agreed. The bell rang and it was time for Stacy and Marcus to go to class. Marcus gave me a kiss on my forehead, before leaving to go to class.

"Bleck!" said Lavender. "You two make my stomach hurt." I smiled at her not letting her comment ruin my mood. "I thought you were happy for me."

She sighed. "It's hard being a supportive friend."

I put my arm around her. "Oh, bless you, Lavender. You're the sweetest."

"Would you keep your voice down," she shrugged off my arm. "You're going to ruin my rep as a hard ass."

I laughed hysterically. "Oh, I don't think anyone is going to think you're anything but a hard ass."

She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "They better not."


    "Crystal, can you stop touching my hair please," Stacy asked Crystal who was currently running her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it. It's so soft and pretty," she said still touching it. "I wish I could dye my hair as much as you and it still be this healthy."

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