Chapter 8- Nia

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"Hi, Nia!"

Whitney grinned, greeting me as soon as I walked up to the table. She's much taller up close, but if she didn't have her skyscraper like shoes on, we would be around the same height.

"Hi, Whitney," I said, standing next to her. "Thanks for inviting me to eat lunch with you."

"Oh, no problem," she smiled. She had a beautiful smile, her teeth were white and straight, but it didn't seem genuine. "Here, you can sit next to me." She then turned to Marcus saying something that made him scoot down.

I took my seat directly between them, talk about awkward. Whitney began introducing me to the other people at the table, beginning with the two girls that sat next to her.

"Nia, this is Stacy and Crystal." Stacy had blonde hair, but her dark roots told me that it wasn't her natural color. While Crystal had dark brunette tresses that fell to her shoulders, I couldn't help but notice her ample chest. They were so large, I'm surprised she could keep her shirt buttoned. I wonder if they're fake.

"Hi," Stacy and Crystal said in unison. She moved on to introducing me to the boys.

"This is Sam and Nick."

"Hey," the one named Nick said. He wasn't just cute, more like hot. Not in the same way that Marcus is hot, but in a more rugged bad boy way. His hair was mused, and his shirt was wrinkled. Someone must have thought he was as hot as I did, because there was a trail of from his left ear to under his shirt collar.

The other guy, Sam, didn't say anything, he just stared. He was nice looking too, ashy blonde hair, very thick brows, and light brown eyes. But I couldn't even appreciate his cute face, because his blank stare was making me so uncomfortable.

"And you know Marcus."

Yes, I do. Marcus gave me a slight nod, I gave him a soft smile in return. Butterflies bumped around in my stomach as I looked at him. God, he's so beautiful. I just want to kiss him all over his perfect face.

"It's nice to meet all of you," I said politely.

"So Nia, how's your first day at East Chapel been?" Whitney asked picking at her sad excuse for a salad. It was just a pile of leaves and there were a few carrots and tomatoes sprinkled in. She might as well be eating a bowl of lawn clippings.

"Oh, it's been great," I replied. "The school's so big, it's kind of hard to get used to." If it wasn't for Lavender helping me find the cafeteria, and Marcus helping me find the gym, I would be lost right now.

"You'll get used to it," she assured me. "It starts to feel small after a while." I don't see how this place could ever feel small.

"Yeah, too small," Nick complained. "I couldn't get any privacy if I paid for it—and trust me I've tried."

"I'm sure you and Crystal have," Whitney smirked with a condescending undertone.

Nick stuck his tongue out at her, like a child, while Crystal giggled at him. "Oh, are you guys dating?" I asked. If they're not dating, they are definitely fooling around.

"Yes, we've been together since the eighth grade," Crystal said proudly, smiling at Nick. They adored each other, I could tell, by the way they were looking at each other. I wish I was in love. I wonder what it's like, to be with someone who completely understands, and likes you for exactly who you are. And you can kiss them whenever you want.

"Wow, you've been together for so long." The longest relationship I've had is with a pair of underwear. They were light blue, and they were my favorite pair, I had them since the eighth, and the only reason I threw them away is because they ripped, it was a sad day.

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