Chapter Fifteen

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      All I’m doing is roaming around, impatiently. Waiting for the people I’m supposed to tour around the school campus. Today, would be the day where I’d guide a pack. Rise of the Dawn Pack to be exact.

     I was irritated that these people are wasting my time. Not that I have anything against this pack. I just really hate it when people expect me to wait for them at this time, and all you see is a scenery and random people.

     The principal although expects me to become presentable to these people. And presentable is never my aura in living. I can go out with my pajamas and my bed hair. Now that is, naturally me.

     “What the hell are you doing out here in the cold?” Michael walks towards me, taking another hoodie from his bag and handing it to me.

“The principal wanted me to tour the new pack that will come here. Surprisingly, they’ve decided to make a grand entrance!” I sarcastically say.

      Michael laughs at my complaints. “The man is definitely getting you back for bashing out on him.”

      I glared at Michael. He’s not evening helping me. I don’t even know why he decided to come here and listen to all the profanities I’ll blurt out about the principal.

“It’s not technically his fault. May I add, Reddox wants you to escort his pack,” ugh, he’s right.

     Let’s just blame the principal for putting me in this situation. I hate him. He hates me, end of discussion. “We both hate each other. So we’re in a good situation, because hate can be stronger than love.” I scoff, not knowing what language I was speaking in. That was the most stupid line I’ve said, so let’s forget about that. Let’s just pretend that I’m an alien.

“You’re talking to yourself again,” Michael laughs.

“Shut up,” I grumbled. My cheeks starts to warm up, “Look, you’re blushing!” Michael points out, poking the middle of my cheek while laughing at my flustered face.

     I continue to glare at him. “What’s so funny?” I growled.

“Aw, you poor little thing,” Sam walks towards us. His face crinkled from laughing too. Sam was in my Spanish class, to say he’s a pretty laid back Beta of Michael.

      Oh gee, I feel so cared for. “She’s getting redder!” I can feel my whole face burn. These imbeciles, I give them a piece of me later.

“Ms. Chantress, I said to wait patiently for Rise of the Dawn Pack. Not to flirt with these boys over here and you two,” the headmaster jabs his finger to the two boys laughing. “What are you doing out here? You’re supposed to be inside, not out here with Ms. Chantress.”

     Immediately four trucks park at the front of us, all were sleek black and shiny. The trucks were so big. Surely, there might be only four people in each?

“What are these people bringing, four dinosaurs?” I question. The principal glares at me, “You do not question such thing.” He barks.

     I continue to glare at the ground, not minding the four cars that parked. “Stupid life, why I’m I living anyways?” I speak to myself.

“You’re talking to yourself…again” Michael chuckles.

“Ms. Chantress, go and greet them,” the headmaster barks.

     I slowly walk to the four cars. One by one, four unlikely huge men walk out. The four of them wore dark clothes, and their features were sharp.

    They scare me. “Uh… hello, I’m Bree, and I’ll be your guide.” I squeak.

“Very well then, tell us where our dorms are so we can dump our shit.” The one with the blue eyes say. At first I thought he was talking to me jokingly, but that’s when I looked at him.

     I’m not doing anything for Alpha Reddox from now on. He shall tour his pack, whether he likes it or not. These people could eat me like I’m French Fries.

“And why would we do that?” Aw poo, they caught me. “I think that you’re huge, but not only you. You guys too.” I honestly say.

      Four of them walked as if they were my bodyguards. Compared to their height, I feel like a burger compared to a large drinking cup.

“So Bree,” the blue eyed boy says. “Yeah,” I questioned.

“Why are you so hot?” The brown eyed boy questions. I look at him quizzically. Well that’s what they call straight forward.

“Dude,” the blue eyed boy shoves him.


“So these are your rooms,” I point to four doors, “you can leave your things and we can go to class already.”

      The boys throw their bags inside. They didn’t even look at it twice.

“So are we going?” The one with the black hair says.

“Can I at least know your names?” I ask. Heck I don’t even know who Maddox is.

     As we walked to class, they told me their names. Leo has blue eyes. Len has brown eyes, while Christian and Alex have gray eyes. Alex and Christian were warriors. Len is Third in Command, and Leo was the Beta.

“So where is Maddox?” I ask the four boys, “Probably fucking with his girlfriend.” Leo says with a sneer.

“I thought only Elite people are supposed to go here?” I question.

    Leo looked disgusted, and so did the three boys. I laughed. Maybe she was too girly that they couldn’t stand her. “It’s like she’s a disease,” I chuckle.

“Oh no worse than that, she’s a living Barbie doll! Always whining, always complaining, always mimicking!” Alex exclaims. “She doesn’t sound that bad,” I honestly say.

“Yeah, she’s not that ‘BAD’, she’s that ‘WORSE’. Do you want us to spell it for you?” Christian retorts. “She’s a girl,” I try.

     I regret what I just said earlier. Because the boys, they did their very best to describe Maddox’s so called ‘girlfriend’. They described her as the ‘Wicked Witch’ from the movie, The Wizard of Oz.

“I get it guys. I know you don’t like her, so stop complaining!” I laugh.

     We all walk in the Art Room. One boy who’s extremely large looked around furiously. His eyes were a dark shade of blue, and once they landed on mine.

     My world nearly froze.

“Mate,” he growls.   

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Authors Note: Sorry for not updating! How are you guys? Shout out to these amazing people, lanibear1000, JenJen_1777, unknown_paradise,  AliseHeavrin, and love_ender! Please vote, comment, and follow me.

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