Chapter Eleven

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     Alpha Reddox made it look clear that he’s making me solve a riddle. I’m defenseless, I’m stronger, and that everyone will praise me. I’m not so sure of myself, or is it just Alpha Reddox, putting up my hopes to a state that I’d believe I would possibly shift.

     I honestly didn’t want to hear him, but this urge keeps pushing me up forwards. It hurts, hurts that I’d actually fall for a dream that could never happen. I’m scared that he’s saying lies, giving me no will to regain myself if I put my hopes up and believed.

“Could you just tell me?” I pondered, querying him because he’s irritating me already.

“I’m not sure what you are, but your eyes, they shine so bright than the actual color.” He looked straight through me, globing my eyes as if they held all my emotions inside. “My eyes are the same, there’s nothing wrong with them. They look dull and unpleasing to me Alpha Reddox.” I say, giving him a confused look.

“I see it, it turns differently. It’s like they over take the color of your eyes, more importantly, it’s like you could capture any soul by looking closely.” Confusion strikes up to my face, making the situation more awkward than usually.

“I’m sorry, for talking back to you Alpha.” I bow in submission, “No need for bowing Bree, I should be the one doing that.” Sadly, he did bow.

“You will understand Bree. The day you shift will be the day of pride and joy.” He walks out, his feet echoing to each step he took.

“He’s weird,” Benny laughs at the old man, “He can’t see the oblivion to the oblivious state. So what, once you shift you’ll become a Demi-God? That Alpha is one crazy man. I hope we don’t see pigs flying with wings!” Benny’s sarcastic voice rung out through the whole library, I laughed at his silliness.

“Only the Moon Goddess will know,” Axel says, “I believe in him.” I gap at Axel, he believed him.

“And I believe that I’m a guy.” I say jokingly, what in the pickle is going on with this boy.

    After our short research at the library, we head back to our dorms. Going out with Axel and onesies don’t mix with going out and getting humiliated by the whole academy. What should I say? Its movie day and Axel supposed to put on a movie so we could enjoy our weekly tradition. But, he decided to go through this stuff before our movie day.

“Look at how ridiculous Bree looks!” Bethany, a girl from my geometry class laughed. Of course, I’m getting all the rude comments, but Axel just got pats in the back.

“Axel, why are you even wearing that man?” Mason suddenly pops out of nowhere. He doubled his laughter once he squeezed the end tail of the Sulley costume. “And you Bree, you look like a stuffed animal! I could just hug you all night!” I sighed, looking irritated as possible.

“Oh don’t you worry Mason, I could just kick you in the balls all night!” I jokingly say, “Ha-ha-ha you aren’t funny!” Mason blabbered.

“You suck!” I yelled out horridly.

“And you’ll suck too,” He winked, showing his pearly white teeth. “Yuck, you hormonal wiener” I gagged at the thought of it, that’s just plain gross!

“I actually do have a-“ Axel held him by the collar of his shirt, “You do not finish that sentence Mason, if you do I’ll make your year misery.” Axel warned, giving him the dead eye.

“Chill bro, don’t hit my wiener.” Mason begged, I hysterically laugh at them both.

     After the huge humiliation down by the school building, I proceed to walk back to Axel’s dorm to steal some food. I grabbed his keys in the library, claiming that I’ve never seen it. Although, he should be smart enough to know that I stole food from his dorm.

     When I unlocked the door, a huge click was heard. I got inside, and a huge figure illuminated through the dark room.

“If it isn’t Bree Chantress” His dark voice made me quiver, I reached the door from the back trying to open it, but the man suddenly pushed it hard.

“What do you want” I sputter out, “I want nothing, but my master wants something.” He whispered through my ear, making me trace all the words he has said.

     I stood there, not liking the aura of this person. He gave me the bad vibe, and I didn’t like it. “My master wants you, and in the day that you’ll shift. My master will come here himself and take you away from your precious world.” His warm fingers touched my cheek. He suddenly dragged his finger nail, causing me to cry in pain. This person dragged his finger nail on my cheek, lashed it out like it was nothing.

     The man dispersed, after biding a silent but deadly goodbye. What did he even want from me? Why does my shift look more important now? Who’s his master?

“Bree” Someone faintly shook me back and forth, if I wasn’t wrong it would probably be Axel.

     I opened my eyes and blinked them to look closely. Mason was next to Axel, looking so worried but Axel’s eyes almost looked like he’s about to cry. Blood dripped down the floor, Axel wiped it away with a nearby tissue.

“What happened?” He queries, I looked at him with glossy eyes.

“I-I-I really don’t know, someone wants me.” He hugged me. Mason took a first aid kit and started to heal my wound. He made sure to  check if the mark was any bad, but me being useless because I can’t shift, the wound would never heal that fast.

“I’m sorry for letting you out of my sight.” Axel sighs in frustration, running his hair in the process.

“No, it’s my fault” I whispered. Mason sprayed it, and I winced from the stinging feeling.

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