Werewolf Academy - Chapter Thirty Two

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Werewolf Academy - Chapter Thirty Two

I pace around my room while holding my head, deciding whether or not to go to school. I can call in sick but I need an excuse letter for that, and the nurse is the only one who's able to give me that darn excuse sheet. "Darn...I seriously need to skip school today." Following that sentence, I mumble a complaint about this preposterous school. "I could go to most of my class and then skip the rest..." I suggest. "Oh goodness gracious why is escaping school so hard now?" I grumble. I actually know the answer to that idiotic question.

"Oh fuck it..." I harshly mutter. "It's now or never." I grab my bag from the couch and walk out of my dorm room. Maddox is there leaning on the wall with a huge smile on his face. "Why are you smiling? There is nothing you should smile about today! Everything is turning terrible for me day by day!" A scowl appears on my face.

Maddox lets out a laugh, "Oh baby doll," he presses my cheeks together and kisses my forehead, a gesture that he loves to do. "You're so cute when you complain to yourself." He pinches my nose, making me wince at the pain. He's very playful. "Don't be a downer. My dad might be nice to you and cover it for you." He replies with a cheery voice.

And what if his dad doesn't cover up for me? For all I know, his dad can embarrass anyone he wants. He does it to his son so he can do it to everyone. I hope he doesn't embarrass me. It's the least thing he can do for his future daughter-in-law.

"Aw baby, we're getting married?" Aw crap, I said that out loud. Maddox takes my bag and slings it over his shoulder. "Albeit, before we even get married we'll have one hundred children." Maddox dreamily states.

I slap his shoulder, gently. "I don't like kids." Now that's a lie. "Let's forget about this conversation for a while. I need help!" I demand. I can't ditch class without a reasonable reason. I'm not the best at lying.

Maddox pats my shoulder, "I'll try to persuade my dad. It's not the best thing but I do hope that it works." Maddox assures. He's always been the handyman since he entered my life. I'm proud of him.

Oh what am I doing? I'm the one supposed to help him. He's still troubled about everything. He looks fine every time I see him but I know that he's just covering up because he doesn't want me to be worried about him. And as the time passes, sometimes I would feel a slight churn in my stomach. It's like it's telling me to count off the days' of Maddox's birthday.

I put my problems away. Maddox needs me right now. His problem is a much bigger deal than mine. "How are you?" I twirl a lock of my hair in nervousness. "Is everything okay?"

Maddox groans, "Do you really have to ask that stupid question?" Maddox hisses. Yep, he's pissed. "I'm over the rainbows!" Maddox replies in a harsh tone. "Shit's getting real and the fucking blue sky is messing with me. It's a piece of shit." Woah...what the heck is he talking about.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I shouldn't have asked about it."

He releases a sigh, "Oh baby, I'm sorry for being shitty. Don't worry about it honeybunch. I'll just deal with it." Maddox taps my shoulder, reassuring me that he'll be okay. I don't believe him. I know it's killing him inside.

"Okay then, now onto my problem. If I do get humiliated by ton our fellow students and classmates, will you sing the "Fuck You Motherfuckers" song with me?" I ask, my eyes widening for the puppy effect. "Please, with the cherry on top?" I pucker my bottom lip to complete the puppy face. He cannot resist this eyeballs, they're fucking wide for him.

"You look ugly." He insults. "That face is creepy. I bet even your mother won't appreciate that face you're making." He teases. "Nonetheless, I will help you because it will make you happy and less scared."

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