Chapter 23

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Harry caught Severus on his way to breakfast. The Potions Master had just left his rooms and he had to fight to keep his lips to himself. Being out in the hall where anyone could see provided the impetus Harry needed to resist the urge. When Severus caught sight of him, he was graced with a rare smile before the man asked, "Come to escort me to breakfast?"

Harry grinned. "Something like that. But I've got news, too. The Dark Lord tried to get to Nott last night. I wasn't sure how long it was going on before I realized it, so I didn't want to take the time coming here first. I would have come back after, but it was late, and I had the feeling Nott didn't want any more attention as it was."

"I would have been no aid at all; going there directly sounds best. How bad was it?" Severus asked as the two walked to the Great Hall.

"Not nearly as bad as that first time with you, but worse than anything since. I think it got that bad because I took so long to get to him."

"That's likely. He will not commit himself as fully as he did when he first tried to kill me. Not when he risks having it turned back on him. You explained that the Dark Lord will probably not try again without reason?"

"Yeah. I don't know if he trusted me or not, but I told him." They walked in silence for a few moments before Harry spoke again. "Did you talk to him at all about yourself? He asked me about when you decided to stop following the Dark Lord. I told him it wasn't my place to say, but I have a feeling he needs to talk to someone who understands. He said he didn't want to talk to you, but I suppose he was just saying that. Anyway, I figure you're probably the best person to help him out."

"I'll do what I can for him," Severus replied. "Though I am not entirely sure he trusts me. He certainly showed mixed reactions to me last night."

"He probably doesn't know who to trust at this point," Harry pointed out.

They were nearing the Great Hall and no longer alone, so the Potions Master simply grunted a response. Before they parted company, Severus stopped Harry and handed him half a quill, split down the center. He looked around to be sure no one was watching and showed Harry the matching half he kept in his robe. Harry nodded in understanding and tucked the feather in the same pocket as the bit of cork.

In the Great Hall, Ron and Hermione were already seated, and Ron moved over to give him room to sit at the end of the table. Hermione had a book open in front of her and was oblivious to the rest of the room.

"Everything okay, mate?" Ron asked. "You came in with Snape, didn't you?"

"Yes, Ron," Harry said, a bit annoyed. "He isn't out to torment me anymore, you know. Just because we came in together doesn't mean I was getting detention for breathing his air."

Ron held up his hands in defense. "Hey, wait, I didn't say that, did I? I meant was everything okay with You-Know-Who and all that. Calm down."

Sheepishly, Harry apologized and explained about the attack on Nott the night before. Ron forgave him for not waking him up once Harry explained that he did not know if he had much time, as well as reassuring him that he had taken the cloak. "So I went down to tell Professor Snape this morning."

"You've been spending a lot of time with Professor Snape lately, haven't you?"

"Uh, well," Harry felt his face flush. He looked around to see if anyone else had heard Ron's comment. At the end of the table, they were all but alone, outside of Hermione who had shut out the world in favor of her textbook. "I guess. I can't be too far away if Voldemort tries something, you know. Plus all the extra training. And potions never was my best subject, so I might as well get whatever help I can now that we don't hate each other. And he's still giving me help with Occlumency." The last was not true, as Snape had already told him he had taught him as much as he knew. But of everything, he knew that was a reason than neither Ron nor Hermione would question. They knew nothing about what he was learning, so they never needed details.

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