Chapter 15

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Neville and Dumbledore found Harry unconscious beside his professor. Snape lay on his stomach and did not seem to be breathing at all; closer inspection revealed a spark of life, though little else. Harry, on the other hand, was facing them, eyes open, but if he saw anything it was clearly not in the passage they were in. His back was arched, and the arm bound to Snape was twisted out of any natural shape. It was Dumbledore who, at a loss, decided to keep the magical ropes intact as they were levitated to the infirmary. The immediate danger of the Death Eaters had passed. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had left very little for Lupin to take care of at the Shrieking Shack. The four followers of Voldemort would wake up to find themselves on their way to Azkaban.

"I am sure," Dumbledore had said to Neville as they guided the two latest patients into Pomfrey's care, "that both Harry and Professor Snape will be fine. It seems that our Harry has once again managed to outwit our enemy."

Neither were convinced that Harry and Snape would recover, but they pretended to, if just for the others' sake.

Hours later, emerald eyes opened slowly to the familiar surroundings of the Hogwarts infirmary. His arm ached; his back was sore and on fire with the pain of a hundred scrapes and bruises. And though it felt like nothing in the world could hurt more than the blacksmith pounding on the inside of his skull, the piercing, streaking agony of his scar somehow managed to. With a whimper, he closed his eyes and hoped that whatever had caused him this much pain had blessed him with amnesia along with it.

It had not, of course, and after a minute he recalled the passage and Snape's final act of heroism. But perhaps not final. If Harry had survived, it was possible that the other man had too. His need to know overpowered the pain, and he forced his eyes open again. Empty beds surrounded him. With a small sigh, Harry let his head fall back into the pillow and closed his eyes.

Madame Pomfrey's voice came from above him, though he could not bring himself to open his eyes again. "I see you're awake, Harry. Professor Dumbledore says you seem free of dangerous magic, though he anticipated you would be in a good deal of pain when you woke up. I'm giving you something for it, and to help you sleep." He felt a bottle press against his lips and opened his mouth. The familiar taste of medicine greeted his tongue, and he hoped for quick relief. He wanted to sleep so he could avoid remembering what happened when his arm met Snape's Mark. The potion must have been strong, as he felt himself slipping away almost immediately. From the darkness, he heard Pomfrey's final words. "He says you saved Professor Snape's life, too."


When Harry woke again, it was to the sound of hushed voices carrying from the next room. He could make out Hermione's high pitch and Dumbledore's steady tones. Questions crowded his thoughts, and he pulled himself out of bed. How long had he been unconscious? How was Snape? And Luna? He needed to know, and he knew where to find answers. It dawned on him that the pain in his head and scar was nearly gone, though he still lacked the energy to make it to the door unaided. Using the row of beds for support, Harry shuffled towards the door.

Hermione nearly knocked him over when she jumped at him. Luckily, her hug turned into a lent arm as she helped him to a chair. Dumbledore simply smiled and offered him a cup of tea as if he had been expected.

"I am glad to see you awake, Harry," Dumbledore said. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak, but the pain's almost gone. How are Professor Snape and Luna? And Mr. Lovegood? Voldemort said Luna's father was injured."

"They did not fare quite as well as you, it seems, but they will recover. Madame Pomfrey is tending to Miss Lovegood's remaining injuries. She will be out of the infirmary before the start of term. She has been in and out of consciousness, and was able to tell us about her father. A search party found him several hours ago. He is at St. Mungo's. As for your professor, I suspect he went through much the same ordeal as you did. Miss Granger has been sharing some very interesting theories about your scar and his Mark. He is resting, and will no doubt awaken soon."

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