Chapter 20

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Harry did not have much opportunity to dwell on Draco's death the following week. Both Hermione and Professor Flitwick had made some progress tracking down more of the spells used in the Markings. So far, however, nothing particularly surprising or useful had been discovered. One of Flitwick's discoveries was a spell that allowed the caster to feel physical sensations as the target felt them, but Harry's ability to feel spells back to Voldemort had all but proved that theory previously. Still, knowing which spell caused the effect was progress. The group still lacked the most important piece, though: the spell that bound the target to Voldemort and allowed the spells to act as a single unit. Nothing they had come across thus far explained why the Dark Mark was more than the sum of its parts.

In addition to the spell research, Harry and his friends had begun combat training once more. Neville volunteered to help Luna catch up to the group, and everyone agreed. During the summer, his tutoring of Ginny had helped him as much as it had helped the younger girl. It was decided that three nights a week and afternoons on Sunday would be spent with Professors Snape and Jones. Harry had noticed in the first week that his own training tended to focus on offense while his friends received more instruction from Jones on defense. Specifically, Jones taught them how to defend someone else while keeping themselves alive as well. Though no one said anything directly, Harry understood who the 'someone else' was meant to be.

After the first Sunday afternoon lesson had finished, Jones dismissed everyone and Snape called for Harry to remain. The man led the way silently to his office and waved Harry inside. As they entered, a House Elf appeared with tea, which she promptly set on the desk before disappearing again. Snape sat down and helped himself to a cup of tea, casting a disapproving look at Harry when he came across the small creamer, which he shoved toward Harry.

After a moment, Snape said, "I don't imagine I need to tell you that the Headmaster was quite disturbed when he discovered young Malfoy had returned to Hogwarts in secret." Harry sighed into his tea. "There is nothing about that night that isn't unfortunate," Snape continued. His voice had lost its businesslike edge. "And the most important parts cannot be undone. But still, we must take steps to fix what can be mended. Specifically, the passages that lead to and from the castle must be sealed. All but one will be rendered unusable. The one remaining will be warded to prevent the passage of anyone but a select few."

"I assume I'll be one of the ones who can use it, then," Harry said, once again reminded that his safety was placed above everyone else's.

"I imagine, yes. But that is neither here nor there. The passages will be dealt with tonight after dinner. You will be assisting in the casting of the wards."

Harry blinked. "You want me to help?"

Snape gazed at him. "Some members of the Order do, yes. Be prepared to use the wand I supplied you. Ollivander's wands are not as well suited to the group-work that will be done tonight. Which students know of the passages on your map?"

"Just my friends. The ones who were with me when you brought Luna back. Fred and George Weasley know of them, too. They're not students anymore, though."

Snape nodded. "They will be informed not to attempt any mischief through them, then. And you will relay the same to your friends. It is quite likely that in addition to wards and barriers, we will be setting trap-spells as well. They will not wish to be caught in them." Harry agreed. "Now, Mr. Potter, I must stress the seriousness of this undertaking. First and foremost, the workings tonight will involve several of the most powerful wizards in the order. You will behave in a mature manner at all times; you will not pester anyone with questions, or, for that matter, unasked-for advice. You will do only what you are told to do, nothing more, nothing less. Is that clear?"

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