Chapter 14

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The day after the Markings, Harry discovered that time, and even the Order of the Phoenix itself, was against him in his plight to save his professor. Rather than having time to spend with his friends trying to figure out everything Harry had witnessed, he was packing up his trunk. As he and the rest scoured the manor in search of items misplaced over the past few months, he found himself thinking of Luna and her similar plight at the end of last term. He wondered if she had spotted any Crumple-Horned Snorkacks.

With his trunk finally ready and waiting at the door alongside his friends' for transport to Hogwarts, Harry sat in the kitchen and complained to Remus about the sudden change in living arrangements. "I don't see why we all have to go back to the school now. The term doesn't start till next week."

"You know it's safer there, Harry. It's just a matter of time before this place is found out, after all. Besides, your teachers need to prepare the school and we can't spare anyone to keep an eye on you kids."

Harry was about to protest that they were not "kids" and did not need constant monitoring, but closed his mouth. He knew Remus was right, and he really did not mind going back to the school. But he also knew that the answer to saving Snape was buried somewhere in what he had seen yesterday, and he resented having to spend most of the day doing anything but sort it all out.

Mrs. Weasley ushered her children, along with Neville and Hermione, into to the kitchen. She, it seemed, agreed with Harry.

"I can be spared, Remus. And I told Albus as much, but he chose to dismiss the idea."

"It's not safe here, Molly. Or it won't be for much longer. Hogwarts has wards-"

"It doesn't have me!" Mrs. Weasley slammed a pan down on the counter. Harry nearly jumped out of his chair. He had seen his friends' mother upset at all manner of things, but she had never seemed so angry. Her hands were white and Harry could almost imagine they were denting the pan she gripped. "It's a mother's job to protect her children."

"Molly," Remus said calmly, "if, through some feat of magic far beyond anything even You-Know-Who has yet managed, a group of Death Eaters were to get into Hogwarts, past the wards and teachers and the Aurors, do you know what will happen?" Harry saw Mrs. Weasley flinch at the mention of Death Eaters, but she did not answer. Remus sat back in his chair and charmed the silverware on the table to stand on end. "Their first act will be to separate Harry from his friends."

Remus sent a spoon hovering to one side and four forks to another. A wall of knives floated between them. "Do you know what happens then?" Remus asked casually. Nodding to the spoon, he continued. "Harry will proceed to protect his friends." Gesturing to the forks, he said, "And his friends will proceed to protect him. And do you know what else will happen? Ron will protect his little sister. Ginny will protect her big brother. Just like they promised. Hermione will step up to the challenge in a manner that will surpass anything she has done in the past, and that is no small thing. And Neville, well, Neville's a Longbottom." Remus gazed at his dancing silverware thoughtfully for a moment. With a flick of his wand, the knives dropped from the air and clattered on the table. "Hell, Molly, I almost feel bad for the Death Eaters." Everyone at the table sat up a bit straighter when Remus mentioned their name, and Harry wished he felt as confident as the werewolf appeared.

Mrs. Weasley frowned. "I wish I could agree with you, Remus."


Just as the group finished dinner, Snape swept into the kitchen and ordered them to the attic. They had missed all lessons that day due to their packing, and Harry had not even known the man was in the building. But there had always been an understanding that in the evening the students were left to their own devices, and all were curious.

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