Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I didn't sleep at all that night, my mind was occupied. I was mostly just tossing and turning, replaying mine and Skylar's fight at the party over and over in my head. Honestly, I couldn't see how I was ever going to speak to that jerk again. Hopefully he felt the same about me, because I really wasn't planning on talking to him this week. On Sunday I saw Tabby before she left for a modeling gig she had that day. She was excited to tell me that her mom was fully supportive of our relationship.

It was bright and early Monday morning, and I was just stepping off of the bus behind Tabby, Jay and Sophia-Monet. Tabby and I had quickly gotten into the hand-holding habit, loving the feeling of having each other within reach whenever possible.

"So Friday night, you and me, Jette-plane," Tabby spoke up as we walked inside the building, ignoring the penetrating stares we were getting. "We're going on our first official date."

"Cool, where're we going?" I asked excitedly.

"You'll just have to wait and see," she sang as we stopped at my locker.

"You're not going to tell me?" I whined.

"It's a surprise, darling," Tabby told me in a regal voice.

"I don't like surprises," I pouted like a child.

"Too bad, suck it up," she giggled, stroking a strand of my hair. "It'll be fun, I swear."

I had no idea how much of a romantic I was until I caught myself imagining what our first date could possibly consist of. Maybe she was taking me out for a movie date, or a fancy dinner. All throughout first period that was where my mind was. Second period was when we started getting waves of questions from whoever seemed to care that Tabby and I were suddenly hugging and hand-holding in public.

"Woah, Tabby, are you a lesbian?"

"Are you guys dating or something?"

"Omigod that's so adorable!"

"Jeez Tabby, what made you wanna date her?"

By the end of the period, I was feeling overwhelmed. And I had only kept quiet while working on my art project, Tabby had answered all the prying questions. Sophia-Monet seemed amused throughout the whole thing, but I couldn't really blame her. I didn't know of a single lesbian couple within the whole school, I guess that was why this was something to blab about. I was relieved to get some peace and quiet in third period, since apparently no one in my class knew yet. Gossip spreads fast, but not quite that fast.

Walking into my fourth period Spanish class, I realized I had gotten there before Skylar. I slid into my seat, uncaring. He could sit next to me if he wanted, or he could sit on the other side of the room, which I'd prefer. I really didn't give a damn. But even thirty seconds before the bell, there was no sign of him. Sky was never late to class, and very rarely sick. Not that I care, I argued with myself.

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