Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"Jette? Did you hear me?" Skylar inquired, seeming less nervous now that he had got that off his chest. Now it was all on me.

"Why?" I questioned, all other words leaving my brain.

"Why what?" Sky asked confusedly. "Why am I in love with you?"

"Don't say that," I told him, suddenly feeling very stressed. My stomach started to churn painfully. "You aren't, you can't be."

"I am," he said again. "I have been for a long time. Since we met last year."

"Why didn't you ever say something?" I accused, standing up. "You're just going to spring this on me now? Now that I'm..." I stopped myself. Of course, he didn't know. This was my fault, I let this happen. I should have told him earlier, Skylar should have been the first to know.

"Now that you're...what?" Sky asked as I started backing away. "Jette?"

"I have to something," I said quickly, turning to practically sprint away, leaving poor Skylar to sit alone. This isn't happening, I told myself. I had to find Tabby, and now. She'd know what to do, she always knew what to do.

I found her over by the dessert table with Sophia-Monet and Lucy, laughing up a storm.

"Are you kidding me? I can't eat that!" I heard her giggle as I rushed over. "I'll blow up like a balloon."

"Tabby," I said in a panic, "we have a situation."

"What kind of situation?" she replied quietly. "Is someone hurt?"

"Someone's about to be," I whispered, pulling her away toward the locker room. Sophie and Lucy stared in confusion as I pushed the door open and went inside with Tabby following.

"Jette, what is going on?" Tabby asked worriedly as we both sat on one of the benches.

"I was just talking to Skylar," I told her, my throat feeling dry, "and he told me-"

"He loves you," she finished quietly.

"How did you know?" I asked in wonder.

"I could see it coming a mile away," she said, biting her lip. "The way he looked at you used to make me jealous, but I wasn't worried about it anymore. Not since last night."

"What do we do?" I questioned her.

"Well we have to tell him," she shrugged. "We have to tell everyone. I guess we've waited too long as it is."

"It sucks that Skylar has to find out this way, though," I breathed, tears stinging in my eyes. "I care about him so much, but I don't love him, not like that. Tabby, I don't want to hurt him."

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