Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Hey, Sophie," I answered into my cell phone later that evening. "What's up?"

"So how'd it go?" she asked immediately. "Are you two bestest-best friends now or what?"

"I dunno, possibly," I answered, trying to sound uninterested.

"Did you at least try to make friends, mon ami?" she questioned.

"I did my best," I sighed nonchalantly. "Why? Did she tell you otherwise?"

"Jette, you're killing me!" Sophie exclaimed. "Are you guys on good terms at all?"

I laughed at her panic attack. "Chill out, everything went better than I expected. Tabby really is very nice."

Sophia-Monet sighed in relief into the phone. "I almost thought you ditched her or something," she chuckled.

"I wouldn't do that," I scoffed. "Okay, maybe I was thinking about it. But I'm too nice of a person to actually do it."

"Of course you are," she laughed sarcastically.

That week at school was interesting. I was no longer too worried about gym class. Tabby made it so much more fun. She wouldn't take any crap from the other girls when it came to taunting, teasing or bullying me. She made Coach Daniels seem less intimidating and scary by joking about whatever she'd said to me. Whatever we were doing in class, we made sure to be on the same team. Art class was twice as fun because Tabby and Sophia-Monet had that class with me. Now that my attitude about Tabby Ellis had changed for the better, things were looking up.

Thursday was no different. Everyone was excited about Lucy's upcoming party, and there was an excited buzz at our lunch table. Only two more days, and we'd be at the party of a lifetime, only with people we loved. We were only five minutes into the lunch period when we noticed that it was a lot quieter than usual.

"We're missing someone," Kane suspected.

"Someone loud," Lucy agreed.

"Jay," Sophia-Monet noticed. "Where is he?"

"He was on the bus this morning," I remembered aloud.

"He was in fourth period," Mollie added.

We all looked up simultaneously as our question was answered with Jay plopping down in his usual seat. We stared at him, waiting for an explanation as to why he had been late to lunch.

He looked up from opening his lunch box, seeing that we were all staring in silence. "I don't wanna talk about it," he whispered. I glanced at Tabby. She shrugged, looking worried. Even she knew that Jay never got like this.

"Don't wanna talk about what?" Skylar asked immediately. "We're your besties bro, we're gonna pull it out of you either way. Save yourself a lot of annoyance and start talking."

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