The Imposter | Chapter Twenty-Five [Adumbrate]

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[Chapter Twenty-Five]


adumbrate \a-DUHM-breyt\

(v.) To foreshadow; prefigure; insinuate


Kyle and I continued to hang out at his place for a couple weeks, until his leg gradually grew better. He had continued to push himself, refusing my help and glaring at me when I told him he was overexerting himself. As a result he was healed in three weeks and able to walk around without the crutches.

Nothing much had happened with my clone since the 'making out' day. Someone had egged and TP-ed Kyle's house, but that could have been anyone. I had refused to let him help clean the mess up. Instead I had called Jay and Dash and made them help me out. They had grumbled about it, but grudgingly agreed to help.

Even Olivia and Andrew had come over a few times to hang out. We had attempted another double date, just going to the movies this time, and I had had a blast. It was nice seeing my best friends get along with my boyfriend. God, I loved that word. Boyfriend.

I knew neither one of us would admit it, but both Kyle and I were getting antsy. We wanted to take care of the clone problem now and be done with it. Forever. Jay, Dash and Jaz were supposed to come over to Kyle's today to discuss the final plan for capturing my clone. I wasn't sure what they were going to decide, but I knew at this point I didn't care. As long as it ended everything and my life went back to normal.

"Hey Day," Kyle smiled when I walked into his house. He was in the living room, going through some papers and a file on my case.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting on the couch next to him.

"I'm just getting the papers together for when the gang shows up." He glanced at his watch, "They should be here in a couple of minutes."

"Ok," I murmured happily, leaning against Kyle's side. I watched him organize the papers, every once in a while catching words like 'terminate', 'detain', 'analyze', 'nanobots' and other various interesting words. I wanted to stick with Plan A for now, but I knew that we were desperate at this point, and as a result we'd probably have to go with Plan C, using me as bait. It was the quickest way to end everything.

Kyle's doorbell rang about ten minutes later and the group piled in after I yelled that it was open. "Hey Sparky," I grinned when Dash sauntered in.

He gave me a mock scowl before sitting on the couch next to me. "Hello, sweetheart," he cooed. "I'm no longer single, none of that," he teased when I pointed to my cheek for a kiss.

"She won't mind," I replied huskily, grinning when Jaz raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you sure about that?" she said, sitting next to Dash.

He turned to look at her, placing a kiss on her lips. "You're the only woman for me, love."

I laughed and pouted, ignoring Kyle when he rolled his eyes at me. Jay pulled up one of the chairs and nodded his head at me. That boy never smiled. One day, I would make him smile. I was still working on it, but man, he was a hard nut to crack. He had been through so much and now Lisa Hartford was back to haunt him again.

Neither Kyle nor Jay would tell me much about Lisa Hartford, other than Jay was working with Faux to solve the problem. She was one of NANO's biggest threats because she managed to break into their headquarters and steal millions worth of experiments and technology. No one knew how she did it but Jay and his team were working on finding a way to stop her. Yet, he was here, helping out Kyle with his case. When I asked Jay why, he said it was because he always took care of his friends and I was included in that category. That meant a lot to me because I knew Jay didn't call someone a friend unless he truly cared about them.

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