The Imposter | Chapter Seventeen [Epoch]

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[Chapter Seventeen]


epoch \EP-uhk\

(n.) A particular period of time marked by distinctive features or events


With his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes focused on mine, Kyle looked intimidating as hell. He motioned for me to join him in The Cage room and shut the door soundly behind us. "Not a word," he demanded.

I opened my mouth to argue, but remembered Jay's words. I needed to give Kyle a chance because I was the only one who could help him. Right now, he was still angry that I hadn't followed his orders. I had to admit, if I had instructed someone to wait outside for me and they weren't there when I came back, I would flip a shit too.

"Next time I tell you to stay somewhere and wait for me, I expect you to stay there. Do you even know how worried I was when you weren't where I left you?" He shook his head in disgust and ran a hand through his hair. "All kinds of situations were running through my mind. I started asking people if they had seen you and finally someone told me they had. However, they said that you were with Dash," he laughed bitterly and started pacing in front of me.

"What's wrong with Dash?" I asked, unable to stay silent any longer.

"He's a walking penis and a danger to all females! I realize you fancy yourself in love with him, but he's like that with all girls."

I choked back a laugh when I realized Kyle was seriously offended by Dash hanging out with me. "Dude, he had no effect on me," I chortled. "I'm really not a fan of egotistical guys."

"Furthermore, he—you what?"

I smiled softly at him, "I don't like him any more than a friend. He's a cool guy to hang out with and amusing as hell, but so not my type."

"Oh." Kyle looked gob smacked for a minute as he contemplated what I was saying. He hadn't expected that from me. I think he thought I was going to defend Dash or at least argue with him. "Regardless," he said, trying to regain his authority over the situation, "you deliberately disobeyed my orders."

"Are you going to punish me?" I teased. Geez he sounded like a stuffy old teacher or something.

His features tightened for a moment and he froze in place, looking at me with raw emotions for a brief second before slamming a cold mask over his features. I was getting really tired of his mixed emotions; a girl could only take so much. "God knows I should punish you," he rasped, taking a step towards me. I gulped and backed up, not liking the intensity in his gaze. He watched me like a predator, letting a slow smile creep onto his face. "Maybe I will."

"Wh-what do you mean," I whispered as he drew even closer.

"Have you ever been taught how to fight?" he asked in a silky tone. I shook my head, praying that he wouldn't suggest I learn. Coordination was not my friend and I would end up making a fool of myself. "C'mere, cookie," he purred. "I'm going to teach you."

Damn. "Uh, I can see just fine from here," I smiled nervously. I waved my hand in casual motion. "Go ahead, I'm watching."

Kyle chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Nuh uh, you'll learn so much better by doing it instead of just watching."

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