The Imposter | Chapter Twenty-Two [Tomfoolery]

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[Chapter Twenty-Two]


tomfoolery \tom-FOO-luh-ree\

(n.) foolish or silly behavior; a silly act, matter or thing.


The nurse came in about an hour later with Kyle's paperwork and announced that he had been discharged. She said the best thing for him to do was to rest and let his leg heal on its own. After grumbling about the inconvenience, he agreed to rest and take it easy. It might have been because I promised to visit him every day. I had scolded him for whining when he should be happy that his leg was only fractured.

"I'll come over every day," I promised him, "for my safety and for yours."

"My safety?" he scoffed.

"Yes, from yourself. I know if I'm not there to keep an eye on you, you'll be trying to get out of bed and exerting yourself." I gave him a look, daring him to argue, but he sighed in defeat, knowing that I was right.

He refused a wheel chair, picking the crutches instead, and hobbled his way out to the parking lot. I called a cab to pick us up and take us to Kyle's house. My parents were busy with something, but they had promised to talk to me tonight when they got home. They had been worried sick while I was in the hospital, but I called them as soon as I could and let them know that we were both okay. Apparently that's all they needed to hear.

When we got to Kyle's house, I helped him out of the cab and unlocked his door. "Well," I said awkwardly. I didn't want to invite myself in and I didn't want him to think I was hovering over him because he was injured. I also didn't want him to think that I was clingy. Why did I have to make everything so complicated?

Kyle smirked, immediately understanding my discomfort. "Do you want to come in and hang out? I'm not going to be much of a host, but we can watch a movie or something."

Smiling in relief, I nodded and waved the cab away. I would just call my parents and let them know that I was at Kyle's so that they could swing by and pick me up on their way home. "A movie sounds good," I agreed.

We headed to the living room where Kyle collapsed onto the couch with a defeated groan. I rearranged the pillows for him and propped his leg up on the ottoman.

"Day, you don't have to take care of me all the time. I'm not crippled," he said lightly.

I blushed and took a step back to look at him. "I know, but I want to help in any way that I can. Even if it's just fluffing pillows." I frowned and chewed on my lower lip, "If it irritates you though, I can stop. I just want you to heal as fast as you can and you can't do that unless you relax."

He frowned at my reminder to relax and reached out patted the couch next to him. "You aren't irritating me—"

"Yet," I couldn't help but add in.

He gave me a pointed look and continued. "You aren't irritating me and I doubt that you will. I just hate feeling helpless and I hate that I have to just sit here and wait. That's not part of my nature, so you're going to have to bear with me."

"Okay. Just remember, I'm here to help. I'm not going to be offended or angry if you ask for help, nor will I mock you for it." I smiled warmly at him, "Now, what movie should we watch?"

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