The Imposter | Chapter Three [Hugger-mugger]

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[Chapter Three]


hugger-mugger \HUH-guhr-muh-guhr\  

(n.) A disorderly jumble; muddle; confusion. 


If looks could kill I would be dead seven times over by now. Poof. Dead. A pile of ashes on the chair. Dust in the Wind. Good song, by the way.

Anyways, I didn't know this guy and I was pretty sure I had never met him. As far I as I knew I had given him no reason to hate my guts. So then why was he glaring at me? I looked closer and realized that not only was he looking at me with hatred but also with disgust.

Unconsciously I felt my hair and licked my lips, trying to make myself more presentable and fix whatever was offending him. Why would he be looking at me in disgust? I certainly wasn't a goddess, but I wasn't unpleasant on the eyes either. My dad had gifted me with fiery red hair and my mom with warm hazel eyes. Like most unfortunate redheads I had freckles sprinkled over every inch of my skin that made me look cute rather than beautiful. My nose was small and button-like and my lips were rather average. With the way Kyle was looking at me, though, I felt like a nasty, hairy wart had suddenly grown on my nose, my eyes were crooked and I was snaggle-toothed.

Ah crap, did my arch nemesis, aka my impersonator, do something to piss him off? There was a whole list of things that could have happened to make him hate me. Maybe I killed his dog or rabbit. Poor guy. Suddenly it hit me: What if he was the biker I allegedly chased down the street in my car? Shit. I would be pissed if I were him, too.

"Kyle, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?" Ms. Cabinger smiled sickly.

He tore his gaze from mine, allowing me to finally breath, and flashed a winning smile at her. "Of course, Ms. Cabinger, I would love to," he said in a husky voice. She blushed and tittered, making me nauseous. I looked at Andrew and pretended to hurl. He chuckled and mimicked me, making retching noises.

"Andrew Herzog, that is enough from you! You will treat our new student with respect, is that understood?" Andrew nodded meekly at Ms. Cabinger, trying to keep a straight face. I knew exactly what he was thinking: 'we weren't disrespecting the student, Ms. Cabinger, just you and your cradle-robbing attitude.'

Ms. Cabinger motioned for Kyle to address the class and tell a little about himself. He stepped up to the center and gave a lopsided smile that made my heart skip a beat. It was unfair that he was so damn good-looking and an ass at the same time.

"Hey, my name is Kyle Drake. I'm a senior. Um...I'm originally from Durango, Colorado, but my family recently moved to California because my dad got a job offer from another company." His voice was deep and smooth, like velvet over dark chocolate, but there was also a hidden tendril of danger at his core, like he was subconsciously warning everyone to beware of him.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Mandy called out, batting her eyelashes at him suggestively.

He smirked, "Nope, I'm single."

"Oh good," I said sarcastically, giving Mandy an evil grin before she could say anything. "Too bad you have a boyfriend, Mandy, otherwise you could have been, like, best friendsies!"

She growled at me, "Shut up, you stupid bitch," and turned to smile sweetly at Kyle. "Just ignore her, she's weird," she cooed.

He raised an eyebrow at Mandy, but didn't say anything. Ms. Cabinger pointed to a seat near the front and suggested that he just stay and listen for the rest of the period so that he could get a feel for the class. All of this was said with a sickly sweet smile. I think I just threw up in my mouth again. I saw him shoot a fierce glare in my direction before he sat down politely and pretended to pay attention to what Ms. Cabinger was saying.

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