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3 years later

"Good job, Ayden." I said as I kissed his cheek. UCLA had put up a good fight, but ended up with a 27-27 tie against USC, Colton and Dakota's school.

Over the past 3 years I've learned so much about football, more than I ever thought my brain was capable of. It was very obvious Ayden and Bennet worked their asses off to pull it together, but their touchdown they scored with a minute left in the game wasn't enough to win it. They needed their mediocre kicker to get the field goal point, but he choked and missed.

"I wish we would've won." He muttered as he ran a t-shirt through his hair to wipe off the sweat that drenched his head.

"You did your best, that was very obvious." I assured him as we walked hand-in-hand to the spot in the stadium we agreed to meet up with Bennet, Colton, and Dakota.

With my mom getting married tomorrow, everyone made it to town. UCLA bedding USC happened to be a nice coincidence. We all got tickets and had a little reunion while we watched them play against each other.

"Good game, guys." Colton patted Ayden's back when we got closer.

"You guys busted your asses for that touchdown. Too bad your kicker couldn't pull through with a single point." Dakota then said.

Ayden grumbled incoherently and Bennet nodded in agreement. "The guy chokes under pressure. Like he's good, but when it counts, he chokes."

Andy Fredrickson, the kicker from 3 years ago, had graduated and gone on to play for the Pittsburg Steelers - UCLA hasn't seen a kicker with that much potential since.

"Bennet," Ayden's coach intervened in our conversation. "Someone is here to see you." Then he moved out of the way an older version of Bennet walked toward us.

The man looked like Bennet, but with a slightly pudgy build and greying hair.

"Dad?" Bennet questioned, his eyes wide and jaw practically hitting the ground.

"You played good tonight, Bennet." He complimented, acting like this was a completely normal situation.

This is the first time in 8 years Bennet's dad has contacted him, and he's acting as if nothing actually happened?

"Why are you here?" Bennet crossed his arms over his chest; his expression was completely blank and didn't flicker with any emotion.

ABC and D were all staring at Mr. Jennings expectingly. After 8 years, he cannot come back expecting conversation and everything to return to normal.

"I shouldn't have kicked you out, Bennet. I'm sorry."

"You're 8 years late." He deadpanned. "I'm 21 years old now, I don't need a dad anymore."

"Please, Bennet. Can we just work toward some type of relationship?"

Bennet's eyes were so cold and hard, the scariest I have ever seen them become while his father begged him for his forgiveness.

"I need time to think about this." He muttered. Without waiting another second, he maneuvered around Mr. Jennings and we all followed suit.

"You good, man?" Colton asked as he jogged to catch up with Bennet.

Just as I expected, the guys didn't drift at all as college progressed. If anything, they have only become even closer, and I didn't even think that was possible three years ago.

"I'll be fine. I'm going over Thomas's. I'll see you guys tomorrow." No one made an effort to stop him because it was clear he wanted to go relax with his boyfriend and think this through.

Yes, you read right. Bennet and Dom broke up a couple months after college started for Bennet. They are still friends, but they were not meant to be. They were good first boyfriends for each other, but that's all they were.

As of today, Bennet is now dating someone he met at school named Thomas. He's a good guy that has a bright future and gets along with our whole high school gang, Dom included.
Dom is now seeing a freshman at CSU, where he has gone to school for the past two years; his name is Steven. He's, what Dom calls, an alpha gay. Apparently the school bad boy back in high school and has a record, but is working on becoming a better person.


Everyone was invited to Mom's wedding with Cade, even Dad, Ellen, and Lilly. To be honest, I was shocked they agreed to come, but I think is Dad's way of hoping for peace. At this point, I think that's all Mom wanted was peace between our two families.

Being her second wedding and all, Mom decided to not have a traditional wedding; instead, just a small gathering with people that are relevant.

It was my family, my dad's family, Ayden's family, Bennet and his date, Colton and Emma, Dakota and his date, Steven, Cassidy, and Mom's friend Rebecca, the one who who was in the real estate business. Then, we add in Cade, his mom, brother, niece and nephew that are 14 year old twins, and his 13 year old daughter.

Kaylee, my soon to be step-sister, is really sweet - the complete opposite of who I used to be when I was her age. Brett, Cade's twin brother, is a super cool guy, pretty much Cade's doppelgänger. Then, Lisa and Logan are Brett's twins. Apparently Brett's wife runs a business in Hong Kong and couldn't make it tonight, though I'm sure my mom didn't really mind.

Everyone got along exceptionally well; even my dad and his family with Cade's family.

The reception went on without a hitch; Cade is now my stepfather and Kaylee is now my stepsister.

"Congrats, Mrs. Zerrilli." Ayden congratulated my newly wedded mother with her newfound last name.

"Thank you, Ayden." She grinned as she absentmindedly stared admirably at her new husband who was taking a picture with his daughter.

"I'm so glad you're happy." I hugged her tightly. Dom came over and joined us in our Roberts family hug.

"I'm glad both of you are happy." She said with one hand on each of our shoulders. "Everything worked out in the end for us."

"All the pain seems worth it." Dom agreed. He looked off at Steven who was talking to Lilly and my dad.

Dom was definitely right about Steven changing his ways and becoming a better person, it's really become evident this past month or so.

"It was." I grinned up at Ayden who stood by my side, like he always is.

He's always there for me, and I know he always will be.

Ayden Chambers saved The New Girl from herself; he helped me become the person I am today, the person I am proud to be.



I genuinely enjoyed updating this story everyday this month, and I hope it stands a chance in the Wattys after all of the work I put forth, but if not, still! I'm so proud of myself and what I've done with it, even if it doesn't have the same fan base as Fall For Me.

Thank you all for reading and thank you to those who have been reading since the beginning.

I love and appreciate all of you!

I hope you all continue to follow me on my journey as improving as a writer and read my other stories!


One last time,
- emily 

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