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Sunday night before I fell asleep, I fully intended to wake my ass up in the morning and go tell Ayden how I feel about him. Then, morning came around and I could physically feel my heart beating against my chest because of my nerves, so I chickened out.

I talked my mom into thinking I was sick and I got to stay home from school.

I woke up to Dom poking my shoulder repeatedly. When I opened my eyes, he crossed his arms and glared at me.

"I got nervous," I mumbled my excuse.

"Chicken," he taunted. I watched as he walked out of my room again, then I turned to my other side and went back to sleep.

I don't get as much sleep as I should since I find it difficult to sleep when I know my mom is crying, so it was relaxing having a day to spend catching up on a sleep.

When I woke up again, it was almost 2 o'clock so that meant Ayden got out of school soon. He wasn't freaking out as to why I didn't show up because I had texted him when I first woke up and my mom gave me permission to stay home.

Ayden had texted me saying that he hopes I feel better. I feel much more refreshed when it comes to sleep, but I was still incredibly nervous to talk to Ayden. I fear what the future holds and so I'm trying to avoid it, but I know I can't. Time doesn't stop moving forward just because you're trying to prevent it from doing so.

I did my homework that I skipped out on doing last night then went downstairs to put together a snack since I slept through breakfast and lunch.

The rest of the day flowed by pretty quickly like days spent at home all day usually do. After we ate homemade tacos for dinner, my mom had to take Dom to his therapy session, which left me alone.

About ten minutes after they had walked out the door, there was a knock. When I opened it, Ayden was standing in front of me. I think my heart either stopped beating momentarily or started beating so fast to the point I couldn't even feel it anymore.

"Ayden, what're you doing here?" I asked.

Dear lord, I must look horrible. I haven't even gotten out of my pjs. My hair was still in its I haven't brushed my hair morning bun: it's not a cute bun, either, that's for sure.

"Your brother told me to come over because you wanted to talk," Ayden explained to me, sounding confused as to why I didn't know know why he came over.

"That troll..." I trailed off. I then realized Ayden was still standing outside, so I quickly stepped aside and let him in.

"Guess I just have to say it..." I murmured as we sat down next to each other on the couch. "I like you, Ayden, but I don't know what we are supposed to do about that when we don't even know that much about each other. Like...there's just so much to know and I feel like I don't know enough."

"Well, first off," Ayden began as he took my hand in his and smiled at me, "I like you, too, Gabby. As for not knowing enough about each other, I agree, but the solution to that one is incredibly simple. Let's go on our official first real date."

Ayden's thumb was rubbing my hand softly as he spoke and it made it hard to focus on his words, but I barely managed.

"That sounds nice." I whispered. It wasn't really meant to come out as a whisper, but my voice had left me.

"Great," Ayden grinned. He shifted his body to the tv and reached for the remote that was laying in front of me, which meant he stopped holding my hand. I instantly missed the warmth.

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