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Gabby's real name is Gabrielle, but in the book Gabrielle is spelt Gabrieal. It's purposely supposed to look like Gabriel.

Gabby's POV

Mom dropped me off in front of my new school. My old mom would've taken me in and met my new principal, but I already knew that was not going to be happening anymore.

"Bye, mom." I muttered. "Love you."

"Bye, Gabrieal."

I sighed and stepped out of the car, with my plain black backpack slung of my right shoulder. I gripped the strap that was on my shoulder tightly.

I have gone to the same school my entire life. My entire life until now, and my mother and father couldn't even manage to help me through it.

My brother was in the hospital so that was out of question. I couldn't rely on him, he was the one that needed the relying for.

I just wanted a fresh start here. The entire school knew who I was at my old school. I was the most popular person there and everyone always knew what was going on in my life. Those kids who didn't have much going on in their life...well, they always knew what was going on in mine.

I looked down at the necklace of half of a heart on it. My brother had the other one, but he took the half of the heart charm off and put it on a more 'manly' chain. I missed him, a lot.

He did so much just for me - just for my image - and I didn't even know it.

My little brother, who is 16, Dominic is gay. He kept it a secret from everyone, not because he wasn't ready to come out, but so it wouldn't effect my image of being popular. I never even knew that my brother was drowning in his own misery because I was so caught up in complaining about the fact Hallie Gentley had worn the same shoes as me. I was completely unaware of the fact my little brother was going through something much more complicated within his own self. I should have been there for him, dammit.

Someone caught him kissing another guy and immediately the pictures were everywhere. He was teased every corner he turned. Then a day after, my dad left my mom for a 27 year old women. Dominick was so convinced Dad left because of the fact he was gay. He was miserable. So miserable that he took a razor and sliced it vertically down his arm.

I was such a horrible sister.

My mom moved us here for a fresh start, for everybody. This time, I wasn't going to lose myself in the popularity and I was just going to lay low.

Mrs. Tener, the secretary in the office of my new school, handed over my schedule and left me to figure everything out on my own. This wasn't going to turn out pretty considering I don't even know my way around a mall that I've been going to since I was a baby.

I managed to find my locker with ease when I realized the school was only half the size of my old one. I shoved my bag into my locker and only took out a notebook and a pencil. My friend at my old school always said "when you don't know what to bring to class...bring everything or bring nothing." So, I brought just about nothing.

I walked around each corner until I found room 104, which took about 10 minutes after first bell, may I add? I walked into Mr. Calbri's class, not knowing what to expect.

"You must be Gabri-" I cut the teacher off when he said the 'a' like you would for Gabriel.

"Gabby." I corrected simply. Why couldn't my mom have spelled my name normally? She just had to try and be different. "Yeah, hi."

"Well, Gabby, there is a seat next to Ayden that you can go ahead and take." Mr. Calbri said, marking something down on a clipboard. He didn't seem like a bad teacher, seemed fairly nice.

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