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Christmas break was great, but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. That's exactly why I'm standing in the school parking lot next to Ayden and Dakota, glaring at the school in front of me. There's only 5 months left, though I knew I'd miss it the second we'd have to leave.

"You guys are telling me you don't sneak into Vegas while you're up there?" Dakota asked, looking flabbergasted. I rolled my eyes playfully while Ayden chuckled.

"Goody two shoes over here is against it."

My mouth dropped and I punched his arm hard enough to the point it hurt my fist, but didn't seem to have any affect on Ayden. "That's so not true. You've never even pitched the idea!" Knowing damn well I was telling the truth, Ayden just laughed and winked at me.

Ayden and I reported to Mr. Calbri's class at the chime of the bell and Dakota scurried off to his class. As for Bennet and Colton, they seemed to be MIA this morning.

Mr. Calbri wasted no time to get back into the swing of English Lit, much to the dismay of the entire class. First day back after our last high school Christmas break and he was already giving us work to do.

After class, Ayden and I started walking to art class together, holding hands. Our walk was rudely intercepted by Arden. Just when I was beginning to think she had forgotten about Ayden and her odd obsession with him.

"You're dating now, I hear?" Her skinny, unnaturally tanned arms crossing over her chest.

"That, we are." Ayden confirmed venomously. Does she not know how to get the memo that Ayden is not interested in her? I don't think I was even as bad as she was back at Seneca.

Her eyes narrowed in on Ayden. "You're an asshole, Ayden." The unnecessarily loud comment got the attention of fellow students. A crowd began to form around us, seeming as though it was part of Arden's plan. "You let me in, you told me all about your life. You told me you loved me. Then, the second this bitch comes to town and showers you with her fucked up life, you move on."

The confusion written on Ayden's face confused me.

He never told me he loved her. He never told me that he told Arden about his life too. For a hot second, I felt less special. But I was quick to shake it off when I realized I know Ayden. If what Arden just said was true, he would've told me long ago.

This is her bitch ass attempt to split us up.

"You're a lying, deceiving bitch." He snapped, not holding anything back. My grip on his hand tightened to keep him calm.

"The only bitch here is your nasty girlfriend." She turned to me. "You're not special, honey. You're merely another girl."

"We're done here." Ayden mumbled harshly. The crowd around us dispersed as Ayden walked through the hallway with me in tow.

He sat down at our art table where Bennet, Colton and Dakota were all already sitting. Well, everyone was already sitting because class had already started.

Seeming like she could care less, the teacher passed on making a snide comment that most teachers never pass on.

"Arden's a class A bitch," was all he said to explain our tardiness.

The guys decided not to push it with him any further and changed the subject to football and college.

College is one thing I've barely thought about at all since I moved here. Prior to the move, I applied to several colleges. Most were in Nevada, where I don't ever plan to live again, but I did apply to UCLA and CSU here in LA. That part was pure coincidental.

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