Family Pt. 1

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(A/N this won't happen often so enjoy it, haha)

After I got back home from taking Dom and Gabby home, I found my friends sitting in my basement drinking the soda from the mini fridge and munching on chips.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked, taking an Orange Crush from the fridge and sitting down next to Dakota.

My house has an open door policy, but I'm curious to know why they randomly stopped by when I wasn't even home.

"We were at that party but it was a complete bust. Literally, the cops busted it."

I rolled my eyes. It seems any party these guys attend, it gets busted by the police.

"Did you guys get in trouble?"

Bennet gave me a look as if asking if I was stupid. "No, you shithead. When do we ever get caught at parties? Besides, none of us even had time to get a drink. The party was weak."

I nodded my head, letting him know I acknowledged what he was saying.

"How was your night with Gabrieal Roberts?" Colton asked, leaning back and kicking his feet up on the table.

"It was more of just getting to know her brother." I shrugged, casually.

I haven't really straight up told my friends that I was starting to like Gabby, but I'm pretty sure they could tell just fine. My friends looked at me like I was stupid for not making any move on Gabby, so I sighed.

"I did ask her out, though. Like, on a date."

"What'd she say?" Bennet asked as he got up to turn the Xbox console on.

This is the part where I bit my lip nervously, "She said she would have to think about it."

I know for a fact I took her off guard and I didn't really think it through myself. Do I regret asking her? No, not one bit. If I could do it differently, though, I think I would.
Gabby doesn't seem like the type to like to be caught off guard, but that's exactly what I did.

"Dude, when are you going to tell her about your family, though?" Dakota asked, seriously.

My family wasn't something I was exactly keen on talking about, but obviously if I wanted to have a real relationship with Gabby, I have to open up to her.

"How does one casually bring that up in a conversation though?" I asked, picking a controller up off the ground.

Bennet turned on NBA 2K16, which sent Colton flying out of his seat in search for a controller. This is literally the only Xbox game he actually plays.

"You can't, really. You basically just gotta come out and rip it off like a bandage." He shrugged.

Dakota, on the other hand, hates all of the NBA games. I, myself, was more of a Madden fan.

Instead of replying, we just played the game in silence. Well, not really silence. This game was stressful and since Dakota wasn't playing, he was sitting in between us all yelling in our ears like he was our coach.

He's lucky he didn't wake up my sister. Or Eric, for that matter; he would've been pissed.

Speaking of my sister...this Sunday was her 11th birthday so maybe I could just see if Gabby wants to come by and meet my family. Then, it would be easier to bring up my family arrangements...

After about an hour of playing 2K, everyone passed out and I ditched the guys downstairs to go to my bed upstairs. It wasn't rude because those guys pretty much lived here and if I slept downstairs every time they slept over, it'd be pointless to have a bed in my bedroom.

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