Chapter 16

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Sorry a it's been awhile, been busy with all 176181 projects I was assigned :( but I am back so here it is(^人^)

【】Wires - The Nbhd

I was thrown into a purely white foam room, these never ending white walls covered in protection cushions so I couldn't bang my head against the wall like I tried. I sat on my legs and slowly rocked myself in the middle of this room. It was very strange when I would scream, through this room was completely empty, there was no echo. My screams would go silent after it left my mouth which scared me even more. They threw me in here after I passed out from that torcher chamber. I made myself pass out by holding my breath until my insides simply couldn't take the pressure and made my body go limp.

I awoke to the sound of heels clicking on a wooden floor, I was no longer inside the white room but instead in a ballroom. Slow, choppy music spinner on the record player, making a squealing noise every couple sentences. That didn't worry me, it was the air in this room, it was suffocating with a unbalanced feeling. It felt heavy to inhale and tiring to exhale. Another thing is that everything was black and white, except for a certain thing on one of the white covered tables. There was a puddle of red liquid in the middle. I cold see the red of it, I was seeing through an animals eyes. The door swung open and I saw myself from a couple years ago walk in, except I was limping.

"Dad?" I called out, I could see under this table I was hiding under. "Dad stop playing these games!" My cheeks became damp with tears and I remembered this date. A few years back, on my parents anniversary party, my father was killed and I was the witness. When he died, it wasn't a normal death, I couldn't wrap my head around what happened. But someone was finally showing me through my sleep.

My heels slowly clicked on the nicely wooden floors and my torn dress clung to my healthy body. I didn't have the dark under eye circles like I always had when my nightmares happened, this week must've been a good one for me. I screamed when I was the blood, holding my hands over my eyes and I crouched down, trying to regain my breath. I gulped and pushed through, needing to find my father. I pushed open a door to a completely washed out room with fluorescent lights bouncing off the plain walls. I saw two human figures, one my father, and a shadowy one.

"Dad?" I called out but the figures didn't move, they seemed to be discussing something far away. I ran towards them but they stretched farther away. "Dad!"

I saw a sharp arrow and stopped dead in my tracks, the raised blade was against my farther's throat, ripping it open. It was completely silent except the sound of flesh tearing. I couldn't scream out, my voice couldn't be heard even by myself. As my father fell to the ground with a thud, black smoke coiled out of his wound, the shadowy figure bent over and hovered over the black smoke and sharply inhaled, violently shaking as the black smoke entered it. The figure spoke a different language, mumbling things. There was a sound of clothes ripping and the shirt of the blacked out figure ripped off and a pair of large, black wings spread out. They curled around the two of them, as if protecting it. I saw the figure lean in and softly kiss my father and my father slowly disintegrated with thick smoke covering the area he once was. The figure slowly straightened their back and turned towards me. It approached me quite fast and stopped a few feet away. The light turned on and the figure slowly looked up, letting known who they were.

Except this person was me, it was my reflection.


I gasped awake in a brightly lit room, my pupils dilating according to the harsh lighting. I realised I was still in the same room, but I was in handcuffs. I had freshly stitched wounds on my arm causing me to panic. What was I doing while I was out?

"Oh Violet, look what a mess you've made." I mumbled and tried standing but my knees gave out. Everything was becoming distorted and very long. My muscles went numb and a ringing in my ears echoed. The white walls opened up and I could see a hazy Tate walk in.

"Tate?" I called, my eyes burning and very droopy. I could see his smirk as he looked down at me. But then I remembered, he was the one driving me insane. Blood pounded in my veins and alarm rose up inside of me. I managed to scramble backwards but his arms grabbed my sides and hoisted me up onto his shoulder. I pounded my fists into his back in desperate manner but it didn't bother him, it simply pleased himself at my weakness. His chuckle echoed in the long corridors as the white room faded down the hall. We passed more locked and guarded rooms where screams rang inside. Banging, crying, screaming filled the air and I tried covering my ears but I couldn't. The dim lights flickered and Tate stopped and looked around.A loud clap of thunder exploded and the low whirring of the lights faded and we plunged into complete darkness.


The sound of air whooshing in and out of a bag was the first thing that hit my senses. I was back in the doctors room where I was before the white room. I groaned and saw the doctor writing stuff down on a dirty paper.

"So, Ms. Violet, can you please explain why our previous machine exploded before our eyes? It concerns me." He spoke in monotone.

"To be fair, I do not know." I stumbled, my mind wanted an answer too.

"We put you in that room for two reasons, one so you could rethink what happened and maybe give us an solution, two being that you are a potential threat to this institution."

Me? A threat?

"Excuse me?" I snapped and he spun around in his creaky chair.

"You heard me." He examined his own hands and I searched around the room.

"Your parents have tried contacting you, Violet."

With all this madness, my parents haven't been on my mind.

"They've tried forcing their way in but that cannot happen."

"Why?" Worry flared inside me.

"Have you seen yourself? And does this look like a safe place?" He rose his eyebrows at me and a shiver ran down my spine. I vigorously shook my head.

"When will I get to leave?"

"Well, that depends on when you become sane, and at this rate, a couple years at the minimum."

My heart stopped, everyone thinks I'm insane but honestly, I think I'm just frightened.

"I'm not insane! Do I look like all the other...things out there?" I pointed at the door. "No."

"You made my machine explode with your mind!" He countered.

"That wasn't me goddammit!" I shouted in frustration. "It was Tate!"

A flicker of knowing flashed in the Doctors eyes but it vanished too quickly.

"See? Talking like that sounds pretty crazy to me." He shooed me away.

"You know its true!" I shouted as the guards dragged me back to my cell. I sat on my bed and pondered for a moment. Where was Zayn? I sat up straight and ran to the bars. I looked around but I couldn't see him. Where did they put him?

"Zayn!" I called out.

A groan came from the corner of my dark cell and goosebumps rose onto my skin. "Zayn?" I walked towards the noise carefully and saw a slumped figure. It was Zayn. I ran towards him and lifted his face, he was barely conscious. His face was a bloody pulp, busted lip, black eye, cuts up and down his cheekbones.

"What'd they do!" I cried and hugged him. That's when I noticed it, a chain around his neck. I grabbed it and turned it around to find a small sign.

'At least I let him live, for now. -T'

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