Chapter 15

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Tate's POV


I emotionlessly walked through the hallways of the Asylum, heading straight to my destination without distractions. I knocked on the butchers door with a puny square of a one-way window and the door creaked loudly open.

Maggie stood there with her bloody apron on and gave me a curt nod of her head. I stepped inside the horrifying smelling room, stained with blood and brain matter. Organs were in jars along the shelves and the dim red lamp in the middle of the room made it even more scary. Occasionally the lights would flicker because we were underground but I was used to it.

"What do I do now?" I asked Maggie as she took off her rubber gloves and washed her hands.

"Well, have you talked to the counselor?" She fixed her frailly grey hair in her little pony tail.

"Yes and he wants me to be down here with her, yes or no?"

"That's brilliant, yes." She evilly smiled and I nodded. "Oh and let me touch up your makeup."

She grabbed my arms and sat me down. She got out her makeup kit and made my fake cuts and gashes seem more recent. She touched up the bruises on my face and gave me a busted lip.

"All good." She finished and I sat up swiftly. I examined my face in the tiny, personal mirror and chuckled evilly to myself.

"I can hear her now, oh what did they do to you?" I made my voice high pitched and girly and Maggie laughed.

"Let's get dressed shall we?" Maggie pulled out the hospital uniforms and I winked.

Ignorance is Bliss.

For some.

Violets POV


I was in my old cell again, well, not old because I have only been free for a night and a half. I picked at the skin surrounding my nails in nervousness, fearing what will happen next. I heard the cranking and clashing of the heavy medal doors opening, I glanced up quickly to see who it was, expecting a guard but it wasn't. My heart rate sped up quickly and I jumped to my feet. Tate was being dragged in with a bloody face and cuts on his arms. He was thrown into the cell next to mine that a girl just died inside of.

"Tate?" I flung myself at the bars of the cell and watched Tate glance around worriedly.

"This isn't my cell..." He whispered, glancing around everywhere. "This isn't my cell, this isn't my cell!" He repeated loudly, banging his hands on his head until the guards came to his cell. He was screaming that sentence over and over and I watched in terror.

"I need my old cell back!" He screamed hoarsely, spitting at the men trying to calm him down.

"Sedate him." I heard one guard say to the other. He got out a needle and filled it up with a clear liquid and jabbed it into Tate's arm painfully. He screeched but then slowly stumbled backwards. He fell to the ground with a loud thump. The guards turned around I quickly rushed back to my bed, thinking about what just happened.

Why was he here? What did they do to him this time? Is he okay?


After a couple hours of endless anxiety, I heard groaning and scratching. I scurried to the bars and saw Tate sitting up, looking very confused.

"Tate! Over here." I loudly whispered and he looked over to me. I gave him a weak smile and waved. His face lit up and he crawled over to the edge of his cell.

"Violet! Why are you here?" He tilted his head the side, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I was going to ask you the same, but honestly this time I do not know why." I sighed.

"Is Zayn here?" There was a glint of something in his eyes that I could not register.

"Yes, sadly." I looked down and heard a small "Oh." from Tate.


"Just curious, that's all." He gave me a small smile of reassurance. I heard footsteps loudly approaching us and I crawled back. One of the guards loudly unlocked my cell and grabbed my wrist.

"Stop! No!" I howled as he fumbled with a needle. I screamed on horror at the size of this needle, but my screams got cut short. He lifted my hospital gown and stabbed the needle into my thigh, giving me a falling sensation.

"No...please..." My eyes involuntarily closing and knees giving out, soon everything began to shatter and my vision went black.


"What do you think this could mean doctor?"

"I am not sure but that is why we are having her here, going to make her relive her hallucination."

What? I groaned and blinked open my eyes but immediately closed them, the lights blinding me but soon I adjusted. I tried sitting up but I was strapped down, chest to toe.

"What!" I screamed, horrified at my loss of movement, weakness and exposure. I had no self defence.

"What happened before you saw the scratch on your leg darling?" A older man that I haven't seen before leaned over me.

"Um....I was talking to Tate." I squeezed my eyes shut trying to remember but every time I tried, it felt like that memory was evaporating every second. The door creaked open and I turned my head towards it but soon froze.

Tate walked in with his mouth bloodied and torn open. His eyes were black and he had scratches running endless up his bare chest. He hands had sharp claws like razors and the image flooded back to me.

"No! Not again!" I screamed as loud as I could possibly but the doctor slammed his gloved hand over my mouth.

"Listen to me! This isn't real, this is a reenactment. Again, completely fake." The doctor explained. He slowly released my mouth and I was still completely frozen. He bent the bed so I could sit up properly. My eyes never left Tate's as he crossed the room.

"This is what you told us, correct?"

I nodded.

Hello Violet.

My veins ran cold, what was that?

Remember us?

"No...stop this right now!" I screamed, lurching out of my bed, or trying. I saw Tate smirking slightly and I knew it was him speaking to me. But how?

"Stop! Get out of my head!" I tried my best banging my hands on my head but couldn't, I'm going insane. Four weeks ago I would've laughed at the thought of People or demons talking to you through your mind, but everything seems to be completely mad and possible.

No, we are trying to help you, just let us in.

The doctors rushed over and stared at me, "What are you hearing!"

I shook my head repeatedly, my body violently shaking without control. The doctor turned on the machine by the bed and the hooked up little strings with suction cups at the end to certain parts of my head. After a couple minutes, we all stared intensely at the screen, showing my brain activity levels and boy, was it off the charts.

Watch this.

The line spiked so high, the machine started to spark, making high shrieking noises, almost like screaming children.

"Oh my god..." I leaned away as much as I could and the machines scream got intensely louder, unbearable even.

"Good....night...A-Alice." A voice broke through, its voice beyond deep and raspy almost impossible to understand but I was the one who actually nickname. The lights flickered on how much energy it was consuming and the screen exploded, lights out. Screams rang out as we dove into complete pitch black, my anxiety heightened more than physically and mentally possible.

"Ready for some fun?"

I know you are.

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