Chapter 10

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I walked outside of the room and admired the trees and the clear sky. A noise pounded and I glanced to its direction. About 25 people in uniforms rushed towards me and I bolted. They cut me off and surrounded me. One put handcuffs on me and picked me up. "Stop!" I yelled, my feet kicking at them. They snatched on some leg cuffs and I laughed. I froze, that wasn't me laughing, but it came from me. A smile formed on my lips and I felt immortal. My monsters were still in the room and I needed to let them out to play.

"They are still in there! We need to get them!" I cried but no one looked at me. I looked at the too of the hill where the fence was and saw Zayn's figure standing there, watching me.

"Zayn! See what you did to me!" I screamed and froze. He had said that in my dream. Everything was coming together. Someone turned around with the biggest needle I've ever seen and stabbed it into my thigh and into my main artery. Everything blurred and right as I was about to go under I saw the guard's face but it wasn't a human was a rabbits.


I woke up in a cell which was dark except a widow. I tried standing up but I was too weak. They drugged me! I summoned all the little strength I could and stood up on the little bed and out the window. I was looking at land, grass was right in front of me, I was under ground! I saw a tree and buildings far away and I yelled out.

"Help me!" I screamed and I heard footsteps approaching my cell. I turned around and a lady with a black and white uniform was standing there.

"What's happening to me? I was completely normal before last night." I murmured and she nodded.

"We ran tests on your blood and, well, have you been under a lot of stress?"

"Well not a lot but yea some..why?" I answered with a question.

"Stress can lead to your nightmares but you were hallucinating and whatever happening during that, was a big factor or trigger why you lost it today. Want to talk about it?"

"No." I curtly answered but she sat down waiting.

"Okay... you don't have to tell me like certain details like names but make a example of it with something else." I pondered on that and came up with something.

"Someone lied to you and lead you on about things in the hallucination and you wanted to see if it was real of not. You went to the persons house and saw something from the hallucination and went insane because things that happened in the dream were coming together." I finished and lifted my hospital gown exposing my leg. "In my hallucination, someone cut up my leg to form a symbol but I don't have it...yet." She was jotting down notes and I took in her face features. She had pretty wavy orange-ish hair, lots of freckles and she looked to be in her late 30s. She had a name tag and her name was Charlie.

"Thank you for your cooperation, we will come back and run some brain tests." She unlocked my cell and stepped out, but then locked it again. I laid on the dusty bed and watched the window, a shadow moved across it and I shot up and looked out. Zayn sitting there with his back turned but he was a couple yards away. I could hear his sobs and see his shoulders staggering.

"Zayn!" I called out and he whipped around. He saw me and ran over as fast as he could.

"I am so sorry I didn't know what to do! Please forgive me, you will be out soon. I promise just do as they say it helps a ton-" He rambled on and I cut him off.

"I understand, it's okay I would've done the same." He stared at me and he slipped his hands through the window and held mine. He brought it up to his lips and kissed it gently, never breaking eye contact.

"Zayn can you bring me a notebook with a pencil of course and a can of spray paint?" I asked softly and he nodded and ran towards the Rec Room.

When he returned he no longer looked scared but almost relieved. He kept rambling about how he's gone through this and I need to cooperate. I already knew what to do but my drug was wearing off, and that scared me. He had to leave and I was left to my thoughts and art tools. I grabbed the spray paint and drew a little girl standing in a meadow, happy as can be. After graffiting all over the wall, I sat down to doodle some drawings on my notepad. A woman unlocked my cell and wheeled in a cart with needles. Dear God. My stomach was performing gymnastic tricks and she instructed me to sit up straight on my bed.

"I am going to run some brain tests after these shots for your mind to relax, I will need you to follow me." It wasn't Charlie who stabbed the needle in me it was some older woman named Martha. My arm went numb and I began to feel very tired. She grabbed my hand and roughly pulled me up. "Follow me." She put handcuffs on me and we walked out of the cell. I finally got to look at where I was properly. We were in a very dark hallway with other caged cells, I looked into one where I girl with a blood covered dress was standing completely still, looking down. Chills ran down my spine and slowly followed Martha. People with muzzles, hands put in foam cubes, and just the plain insane were all I could see in the cells all along the wall. The cries and screams I heard from inside my own cell grew louder and I began to panic. I watched a man pounding his head against the wall of his cage brutally, I began to slow to a stop. Martha turned around and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"What is this place?" My voice came out soft and scared.

"Oh sweetheart," Her lips curled into a sinister smile,"this is the Asylum."

My face paled and quickly ran towards my cell, I felt her hands wrap around my arm and I tugged it away. I screamed out but no one sane could hear me...probably.

Zayn's POV


I was sitting on the bench looking over the hills and valleys when I heard a shrill scream split the air from where Violet was being held. I shot up and ran over to where the window where Violets cell was.

"Help me! Zayn!" Violet's voice split the silence and I started to question my options here.

Either I bust in somehow and possibly get put down there in the process or I act like I need something from down there and see what the fuck is happening? I decided on plan A. I ran towards where I thought I've seen a back entrance to the Asylum before in my many months here. I found it behind a giant ivy bush and clawed my way through. I pulled on the doors but no prevail. It was locked of course. Okay I can't just go through the main entrance because those asshole guards but what excuse can I make to go down there? I thought of something but it was something I really didn't want to do.


I put on my uniform and got my mop and towels. I fucking volunteered to clean the cells for 'Service & Getting Better' points, my ass. I was walked down the many levels which I noticed got incredibly colder and darker, the screams got louder and the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. The guard released my arm harshly. I slowly turned the corner and my breath evaporated from inside of my corrupted lungs. People...or animals now were going completely insane in their cells or shall I say cages. One locked eyes with me and she tilted her head as if trying to recognise me. Her jaw snapped back and I broke the eye contact and began to sweep the disgusting floor which seemed covered in dried blood and dust. It was completely silent except for the groans and screams from the patients. I approached the back cell quickly and looked in, I saw my spray paint can and notepad on the bed but with no one inside.

"Dammit," I cursed under my breath and continued sweeping. I heard a heavy door groan open and my head snapped up. Violet was in between two guards but she wasn't conscious. She was being dragged out with her feet trailing behind her. I stepped aside and tried not to make it completely obvious I was worried and terrified. What the hell did they do?! I clenched my jaw when I saw her open her eyes and mumble a few words then slump her head again. They were about to pass by me when she happened to lift her head. Her eyes slowly opened and saw me, but she didn't see me. Her eyes looked glazed over and dead inside, my heart stopped. As a few moments passed something clicked. Her eyes widened and she shook her head still making eye contact.

"Zayn?" She mumbled softly and the guards shook her roughly, dragging her along. "Zayn?" She said a bit louder and I nodded my head furiously. The guards pulled her to her feet making her walk which was basically tripping. "Zayn!" She screamed and kicked out her legs towards me. The guards looked towards me and picked up Violet. "Zayn help me!" I bit my lip but I knew I couldn't while they were here, but she didn't understand in her state of borderline unconsciousness. If looks could kill she just shot me down and buried my sick body in the dirt outside. Venom filled her eyes and she pounded her fists on the guards back and screamed. I had to get out of here before I went more insane. I rushed toward the stairs and ran two at a time. I bursted through the doors gasping for air. The security guards turned around and I threw my mop at the man and stripped myself of those disgusting uniforms so I was left in a tank top and gym shorts. I ran toward my therapy session even though it was early but I needed to talk to my counselor. I needed to get her out now.

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