Chapter 3

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I felt hands on my shoulders gently shaking me and I blinked open my eyes. My eyes widened when I saw Zayn sitting by my side shaking me awake. I shot up and he stood up, I looked at the time and panicked because I missed my very first session. Great job Violet. I groaned and plopped back down.

"What sleepy head?"

"I missed my first session today." I slouched back and Zayn sat down by me.

"Oh it's fine, there will be plenty more." Zayn brushed off and curiosity sparked in me.

"How long have you been in this hellhole?" I asked quietly and slowly met his eyes. He shifted uncomfortably and stared at me as if weighing out his options.

"A very long time..." He murmured quietly and looked at me sadly.

"Why are you here?" He asked carefully.

"Only if you tell me why you are," I teased trying to lighten the mood. He frowned and ran his fingers through his now dry hair.

"Hey I asked the question."

"Fine," I mumbled, I was going to tell him since one, I am probably going to half to tell the whole institute in one of those sessions anyway, and two, I don't really care if he knows. "I had nightmares that physically damaged me." I tried summarising quickly and lifted up my sleeve cautiously. He lurched forward and grabbed my forearm scanning my cuts.

"What!" He yelled out and grabbed my other arm. Why was he freaking out so much? I'm sure this wasn't bad as what other people dealt with. "You did this to yourself?" He asked and his voice cracked. I didn't respond and his intense gaze met mine. "Why Violet..." He whispered and grabbed me, pulling me into a tight hug. He held me close and we ran his hand up and down my back.

"Why do you trust me?" He asked pulling away. I don't know actually. He was a jerk to me but in this day of actually getting to know him, he gained a little of my trust which I normally don't trust people easily.

"Well you could've murdered or raped me while I was asleep," I laughed and he smiled lightly, "but I don't know, you aren't that big of a jerk as I thought."


I returned to my room and there was a note :

Don't be a session skipper !

Wow. I tore it off and threw it in the trash bin. I changed into my pjs and collapsed onto my bed. The sheets smelled nice which was good and I snuggled under my blanket I brought from home. I went to sleep and dreaded what would happen next.

"You trust me right Violet?" Zayn's voice echoed in my head as he slowly undressed me as I was strapped against the bed. I tried to scream out but I couldn't, I couldn't talk I could only watch. He pulled out a blade and started carving drawings into my skin and I screamed out in pain and tears poured down my cheek. "Goodnight baby." He slurred as he raked the blade across my throat.

I shot up in my bed with cuts all over my neck and I saw half my bed was flipped over. My nails were bloody and I got up to wash my neck and hands. Images of Zayn raking my body still clouded my mind and I tried of thinking if something else. It was 6 in the morning so I decided to go on a walk. I put on a sweater because it is freezing. I pulled out the map again to see if they had a cafe or some shit but no only the cafeteria. I should buy a coffee maker or I won't survive here. I walked down to a massive building and I heard distant screams coming from the other side of the door. It was labeled: Surgery Room. I cringed and turned on my heels to the other direction. I decided to read and I sat on a bench on the outskirts of the open courtyard with my earphones in. More people were coming outside and I turned up the volume to block out their noise. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up. I expected to see Zayn but I saw a guy I haven't seen before. He had dirty blonde hair almost brown-ish and light freckles, his brown eyes watched me turn off my music and I looked up at him in confusion.


"I'm Tate." He smiled cheerfully and I already liked him. He didn't have any tattoos and looked friendly.

"Hi I'm Violet." He sat down next to me grabbed my book. Well he's defiantly not shy.

"I've read this book before! He was a complete ass when he took her away-"

"Shut up I haven't got there yet!" I silenced him and he laughed.

"It's-It's really," He stuttered and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What?" I urged and he snapped his fingers as if trying to remember the word.

"Good! Sorry it's part of my, well." He tapped his head and I felt pity for his innocence. His face paled and I followed his gaze to the same group of guys that were with Zayn. They were glaring at us and talking amongst themselves but Zayn wasn't there. They began approaching us.

"I got to go." Tate stood up and rushed out of the courtyard.

"Well well well," One of the guys spoke up as they surrounded me, he had curly brown hair, "you're the new girl huh?"

"No shit Sherlock." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey shut the fuck up!" He rose his voice and I sighed.

"What do you want."

"Oh nothing in peticular..." He looked at the blonde guy and he grabbed my arm pulling me to my feet. "But stay away from that Tate guy, he's not who he seems."

"Yea? Why should I believe you, dickhead?" I challenged with a smirk.

"Because I've been here long enough to know what really goes on in this place." He shoved me back and stalked off with the rest of them.Well then. I saw Zayn approach them with a deep scowl on his face, he looked like he was yelling at them. He kept pointing at me and he jogged over to me.

"What did they do?" He frowned.

"Just being assholes." I shrugged and put my stuff in my bag.

"Is it true you were with Tate?" He asked warily.

"What's so bad about him? Hmm? He was the nicest one I've met here!" I snapped. Why was a getting so defensive over someone I just met? He leaned close to my face and I felt his hot breath tickling my ear.

"He's dangerous love," He slowly wrapped his arms around my small frame,"and you are a little innocent porcelain doll in a world full of insanity." He pulled away and walked away.

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