Chapter 4

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Tate's POV


I had to get out of there before that gang pulled some shit on me. I liked her the minute I saw her walk into this place because she didn't look insane, she just looked like a girl who needed someone, not a psychotic mental hospital, just friends. She looked innocent and I liked that, she was different from every slut here, they were only placed here for alcohol abuse and similar shit. I weaved my way through the crowd and open hallways to get to my therapy session or also known as: 'Lemme just stab you and see if I can cause enough pain for you to black out again' session. I cautiously opened the door and took a deep breath knowing what was to come. I saw the horror white room with the bed with arm and leg straps with the table of sharp objects for stabbing. My nurse was standing waiting for me in her black and white robe and I laid down on the bed. She tightened the straps and fiddled with a pointy mental utensil. She had a small sinister smirk as she shot glances at me to see if I was scared. She began going over he clipboard and reviewed my death pains laid out for today.

"Okay this is testing your nerve reaction." Jesus Christ.

She slowly stabbed the object into my wrist and I screamed out in pain. She dug deeper and I screamed bloody murder. Let this be the death of me.

Except this wasn't real at all.

Violet's POV


I stiffened as I walked to my first session as I passed by the therapy room. The screaming was so loud and I did not want to find out what they did behind those doors. I walked a little faster and rushed into the room. Everyone in the room stared at me, judging me, wondering how I got here-

"Ah yes, glad you could make it to this session Violet." The head mister here smiled and I slipped into a seat silently.

"Would you like to explain to the class why you are here?" I knew I would have to, I stood back up and scanned the room. I made she contact with the curly head boy and spoke.

"Nightmares." I shrugged.

"Would you care to explain?"

"Not really."

"It would help me help you!" He smiled, encouraging me on. How could he not be insane himself working here?

I sighed,"I would get attacks basically so yea." I dismissed and a girl with platinum blonde hair scoffed. I looked at her and she rolled her eyes. Her hair looked like it has been dyed so many times I could pull it and a patch would fall off. I sat down and pulled out my notebook to doodle. After a hour of this boring session, my doodle was a picture of someone hanging them self. Someone leaned over and looked at it and stared at me like I grew a second head. I pointed at the drawing and then at him and nodded. He scowled and looked away. We were dismissed and I grabbed my notebook, a group of girls walked up to me as I left the building.

"Oh there you are," One of the girls who had more piercings on her face then I had jewelry. I gave her a confused look and she looked at her other slutty friends. "I heard you were getting comfy with my man. Is that so?" She became close to me and put her hands on my chest. I slapped her away and backed up.

"Um who? Zayn?" I asked and bursted out laughing.

"Yes. He's mine so go find someone else. Okay?"She tightly smiled.

"Sure babe." I smirked and turned on my heels, walking away. Stupid one night stands getting all protective.


I hopped the fence and walked over to the Rec Room. The sun was setting and I picked up the pace, I hopped the steps to the door and right as I was about to open it I heard voices.

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