Chapter Four - The Person I Most Despise (Holiday Special)

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   It's late into the afternoon. Usually I wouldn't worry about Mom and Dominick being late to return from a doctor's appointment. Most of the time Mom will run errands and pick up something for dinner.

   However, after the past twenty-four hours, I can't help but worry. Is something wrong with the baby? My mind even worries itself with exaggerated thoughts such as; is Mom so mad about the baby being Dominick's she killed my brother? All I know for sure, is, as everyone says, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." When Mom is scorned, she makes the monsters from horror movies look like angels.

   Dad got home a few minutes ago and didn't seem to worried. "Katie, your mom is probably dragging Dominick around a Babies R Us. The baby can't sleep on the couch forever." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

   He stopped halfway up the staircase to ask. "Are we going to call the baby, Baby?" He asks.

   The name Baby doesn't sound like an awful idea. It is better than calling it by that name. Sure, that name isn't the worst name ever, some people name their kids Hashtag; but, the real issue is not what the name is. Instead, the real issue is who my brother knows with the name.

    For the sake of calming my nerves, I sit down to watch some television. I flip through the channels until I come across one of my favorite TV shows "Home of the Heartless". No one in my family understands why I like this show. The main storyline is predictable, most of the lines are cheesy, and a lot of the drama is over acted.

   I discovered the series one night when I was staying up late waiting for Dominick to arrive home. It was around one and a half years ago. Around that time, Dominick had recently begun staying out late and doing God knows what. Back then I'd cover for him. Tell my parents that he wasn't feeling good and went to bed early. Or he had gone to a school study group and lost track of time. They had complete trust in my word and believed me. I was a trustworthy girl and they were both working late hours. By the time they got home, they were exhausted and went to bed.

   After a while of hearing the same excuses from me, Dad began to get suspicious. He checked on Dominick room one night while Dominick was "sleeping"; and when he found it empty he quickly added everything together. He stayed up until three in the morning waiting for Dominick to come home. When Dominick tried to quietly sneak in that morning, Dad was waiting for him at the door with a massive lecture already prepared.

   Dominick and I both got into trouble... major trouble. The aftermath, it wasn't good at all, there was a lot of damage. To this day, I still am working to gain back my parents trust.


   Seven o'clock rolls around and I'm beginning to panic. Then, I hear the front door open, relief floods over me. "Meeting in the living room!" Mom calls as she enters the house. Her voice can be heard throughout the house and quite possibly be heard in our neighbors' houses.

  I quickly get into the living room. I find Dominick sitting on the edge of the couch. He's looking down at his hands, which are curled into fist. What the.... I think as I sit down.

   Mom comes into the living room from the kitchen. She's holding the baby carrier with my niece, who is wide awake. Mom gestures for me to sit down on the couch, and tells Dominick to not sit on the edge of the couch. He looks up at her with an expression that I can't see; but somehow it allows him to stay where he is seated.

   This is when I realize how serious whatever the meeting is about is. Mom is very strict about sitting on the edge of the furniture and does not back down. "Where's your father?" she asks.

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