Chapter Thirty-Six - Never Ready

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*QUICK AUTHOR'S NOTE* Hey, I've been curious about you all's favorite character(s) and favorite chapter(s). If you care to share, please comment what your favorite(s) is/are. If not, then okay. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy.


   The phone rings four times before Dominick answers. He sounds tired and a bit irritated when he answers. "Hey bro, it's your boy Linkon." I say doing my best impression of Linkon. I hear Dominick chuckle a bit before responding. "Hey Katie, I'm still with the lawyer, do you need something?" He asks.

  Not the right time to ambush him with questions. It was just a prank. I tell myself. I close my eyes for a second and think of a quick excuse for calling. "What fruit does Mollie like to eat? I'm having a major brain fart and I can't remember." I say.

"She doesn't dislike any certain fruit, but she prefers apples, peaches, and yams." He replies.

"Oh yeah, thanks for answering. Bye." I hang up the phone. I'm not thinking straight, the letter was a prank. I keep trying to convince my mind to not over-think this. However, I can't help from believing the words. Dominick doesn't have the reputation of being completely honest, especially with me.

   I go outside to clear my head. Sawyer is playing peek-a-boo with her. "You're finally back, it's been eighty-four years." He says, doing his best old-man impression. I smile at him to let him know I found humor in what he did. I sit down next to him and look up at the sky.

"Everything alright Katie?" Sawyer asks with a tone full of concern.

"Oh, yeah totally." I say in a fake happy tone. "My mom just reminded me that today is my grandmother's birthday." Fake excuse, but I make it sound convincing.

"Did you call her to wish her a happy birthday?" Sawyer asks.

"I'll video chat with her later." I say. This is half true, I'll give my grandmother a call. To check in and be a good-loving granddaughter. The type who knows her grandmother's birthday isn't for another three months.

   Sawyer nods and hands Mollie over to me. I sit her on my lap and hand her one of her teething rings. Sawyer points out a cloud he swear looks like a dragon. I try to find the cloud he's talking about, but the only cloud I see that might resemble a dragon looks to be more cat-shaped. Sawyer tries to point out how and why he sees a dragon.

I roll my eyes and laugh a bit. "Okay, okay, fine. It's a dragon." I surrender.

Sawyer smiles at me, "The Gribes' are always right about cloud shapes, if it were an Olympic sport we'd take the gold." He claims.

  I raise my eyebrow, "Really?" I ask. Sawyer nods and does a "Cross my heart" motion. He smiles at me and I smile back at him.

"How's Dominick?" Sawyer asks. This question is truly out of the blue, and when I begin to answer I can't hide my surprise. Nor my curiosity about the change of subject.

"He's doing fine... I guess." I answer. "... Thanks for asking." I say, going along with these change in subject.

"Are your worries for Mollie and him gone now?" Sawyer asks. 

  I shrug my shoulders and look up at the sky. I answer, "Yes and no. He's not always leaving her with my parents or myself all the time anymore. However, there are a few issues I worry about." I always will. 

"What issues are there? Does he neglect her needs or something?" 

   I adjust Mollie on my knee and gently bounce her, "No, nothing like that. He just has a tendency to let history repeat itself. I mean you saw it on New Year's."

  Sawyer nods his head and for a moment appears appears to go into a deep thinking state. When he  comes out of the state, he says, "Thanks for answering sorry for the out of the blue mini-interrogation" He lets out a nervous laugh, "I have a tendency to ask too many questions, please know you don't always have to answer."

   I don't know what to say, so I don't say anything else on the subject. "Could you edit the footage on your laptop, mine's editing software stinks." I say.


  "Just put the potatoes in the water." Mom says, she's checking the temperature of the chicken cooking in the oven. I grab the ladle off the hook and load it up with freshly sliced and washed potatoes, I carefully drop the slices into the pot with boiling water inside. 

   Sawyer left around two hours ago, and shortly after that Dominick arrived home. He gave Mollie her evening bath and then fed her. He was so exhausted that I resisted ambushing him with questions nor bring up receiving the letter. Mom and him briefly discussed the meeting with the lawyer before he gave Mollie her bath.

    I have no doubt the meeting will the main topic tonight at dinner. "You know Mom, I've always wondered something." I say. The letter mentioned my parents. I'm not going to ambush them, but bringing up the topic can't hurt, right? I think to myself.

   Mom closes the oven door and begins opening a can of corn. "Well, if I can give you an answer to then I will. Ask away." she says. I can tell that she's not fully paying attention, which means I can't lightly ease into the question. If I did, then her mind would focus on other things and completely forget about answering the question. I know how crazy that sounds, but it happens more often than none.

"Do I have a cousin on dad's side who's name is Mary?" I ask causally, I drop some more potatoes into the water.

  Mom practically breaks the marble counter when she puts the can of corn down. The surprise on her face is very apparent. "Repeat your question, sweetie." She says forcing a calm tone. 

"On dad's side of the family, do I have a cousin named Mary?" I ask again. I force myself to remain causal.

"Has someone given you the impression that you do?" Mom asks.

  That means no. "No, no one has. I simply found a photo of this baby-"

"Where did you find this photo?" Mom interrupts, her tone is becoming stern and I can see that her whole demeanor has changed.

"The attic, in a box." I answer. 

"Who gave you permission to go into the attic? Why were you snooping around the attic anyway?" Mom asks, her tone almost sounds angry with me.

  I feel as if I'm about to burst into a sweat at any moment, I keep my calm tone. Sounding nervous now would not be in my best interest, especially if I want answers. "I- I... I just was looking for a baby photo of myself." I answer.

  Mom turns away from me and mutters something under her breath. She turns back to me and her expression is drained of color and emotion. "To answer your question, you did." she says. She walks over and gestures for me to step aside. "I'll finish with dinner. Go to your room and finish your homework." she says.

"But, I don't have any ho-"

"Room now Katie."

"Yes ma'am." I begin walking out of the kitchen, I have one foot out when I hear Mom clear her throat. 

"Katie, I don't want you going up in that attic anymore alone. It's dangerous, something could have fallen on you up there." Mom says.

  I promise to ask next time. While I walk upstairs, I mentally playback the conversation with Mom. Three things are clear to me now. One, I have more questions than I do answers; and Two, Mom is with holding information from me on purpose. Lastly and importantly, Three, I have to go back in that attic by myself.


  Yes, I am alive still. So, this Cousin Mary,  what's her story? What will Katie uncover in that attic? I hope this is a good way to start your week. Sorry its so late, I started this over Spring Break and then I got very busy. End of the year exams and projects more time consuming than expected. Have a great day and week!


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