Chapter Three - The Storm is Raging

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Dominick's POV

  Mom's hands are holding on tightly to the steering wheel. The appointment was very fast and the test they will have the results within a couple weeks. The result will not be shocking at all. Mom and I both know what it is going to be. Mom only wants to see the actual physical proof. The piece of paper with the tiny section that reads: POSITIVE MATCH

   I'm most defiantly the baby's dad. We've been sitting in the car for the past half-hour. Part of me is still trying to fully process this information.

   Mom hasn't changed the car's gear. All she's done is put her hands on the steering wheel and look straight ahead.

"What do I do now?" I ask her. This seems to snap her out of whatever trance she was in.

"Talk to Nikki. You two need to arrange a custody arrangement." She says.

"Great idea, except I can't get in contact with Nikki. I've called her a hundred times and she's never answered. I've heard her voicemail so much I know it by heart." I say.

   Mom doesn't say anything at first. She takes a quick look at the baby who's in the car seat we borrowed from a family friend.

   I'm also sitting in the back next to the baby carrier. I look at the baby who is just looking around at everything.

  Mom puts the car into reverse and asks, "What's Nikki's address?" I start to argue but I stop when Mom gives me the 'You-Have-Three-Seconds-To-Answer-Me' look.

  I telling her the address. I hope Nikki's ready for the storm that is my upset mother.


  Arriving at Nikki's house Mom gets out of the car and starts heading toward the front porch. I'm quick to get out of the car and grabbing baby carrier.

  I look at the house. I forgot how large and ornate this house is. Nikki's parents both have extremely successful jobs so they can afford to have a fancy house. Of course, I've barely stepped foot in it; but anyone looking on the outside knows it's expensive. Anyone who looks at this neighbor knows that.

  I meet Mom on the front porch. She's practically banging on the door. "Maybe they're not home." I say.

"Not home, my *ss." she mumbles. I tense. Mom doesn't swear. At least not unless she's extremely pissed off, which she's never really that pissed off. She didn't cuss when she found out that she was a grandmother. "There are cars parked in the driveway." she adds.

  I look toward the driveway and sure enough there are four cars parked. I recognize one of them, it's Nikki's younger sister Aria's car. Aria is pretty much the complete opposite of Nikki. At least, I think so. Her and I only talked a few times.

  Mom knocks on the door another time before I hear the door being unlocked. When the door opens it reveals a puffy eyed Aria. Her shoulder length brown hair is a mess. She looks at the baby and then at me.

"So, she left the baby with you." she says. It's not an insult, in fact, she sounds very relieved. She's about to say more when Mom demands to speak to Aria and Nikki's parents.

  Mr. and Mrs. Wilton must be part dog, because the moment they hear their presence requested they come to the door. Mrs. Wilton is the first one to speak, or more act.

  She practically runs over to the baby carrier to take the baby out. Mom and Aria stop her though.

"You're lucky I don't charge you with kidnapping." she says.

"Kidnapping? The baby was left on our doorstep. I don't know where you're from bu-"

"Dominick, I'll handle this." Mom interrupts and gives me a warning look. She then looks back at Mrs. Wilton who is now standing right beside Mr. Wilton. "Nikki left the baby on our doorstep. We've come here because I think it's best for us to set up an arrangement as soon as possible."

"An arrangement?" Mr. Wilton asks.

"Yes, I assure you my son will be taking care of this baby. Do his fair share, but Nikki also needs to help. Now, I'm a lawyer so if you want we could go to my office and I'll draw up some paperwor-"

  Aria is the one who interrupts. She looks at Mom and then at me. She only says three words, but those three words mean everything.

***AUTHOR'S NOTE*** No this is NOT the Christmas/New Years special. Sorry this chapter is so short, and I apologize for any errors.

So, what do you think Aria said?

Anyways, I know you want to know what the baby's name is. I'll tell you this. Her name wasn't originally Mollie... dun, dun, dun! THANKS FOR READING! HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!

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