Chapter Thirty-Seven - Blonde Hair

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   Two hours of sleep, two hours of interrupted sleep, and that's all I got. Why only two hours? A new fact about Mollie that I have learned, thunder scares her; which caused problems because last night there was a thunder storm. Dad came downstairs a few time to help with calming Mollie down; but after a few times of coming down, he stopped.

   I spent more time pacing around my room trying to soothe Mollie back to sleep, than I did in bed and sleeping. This especially sucked because I had two tests to take at school. Two tests that count for 20% of my final grade.

   Despite having studied for a total of three hours over the week, my mind was mush thanks to Mollie. I don't blame Mollie, because no one can help what scares them. However, I'm not exactly skipping on rainbows with her right now. You promised to be more dedicated to the whole 'Dad Job'. I remind myself.

   Mom and Katie were, much to my surprise, both home when I arrived home from school. Mollie was in her Jump-A-Roo and was very happy to see me. She smiled and began jumping up and down like crazy. "Hi Buggy." I say, I sit down next to the Jump-A-Roo. "I bet you got to take a nap this morning." I say.

   Is it wrong to be jealous of a baby, especially your own baby? I can't help but feel envious. Mollie probably got to take a nice long nap, while I've been trapped in walking-dead mode all day.

"Hey big bro." Katie says as she comes down the stairs. "How has your day been?" she asks, her tone is a bit too sweet.

I raise my eyebrow and answer, "It was good... how was yours?"

"Lovely, I stayed home from school because I wasn't feeling well." She lies. She even knows how obvious her lying is at this moment, because her lips turn up into a mischievous smile.

   I play along. "Both Mom and you weren't feeling well this morning? Oh man, I hope Mollie doesn't catch this bug."

  Katie laughs a bit and sits down on the other side of the Jump-A-Roo. "Speaking of Mollie, how many times was she up in the night? She was passed out for her nap, it was a bit nerve-wrecking." Katie says.

I let out a sigh. "Too many times, Katie. Too many times." I answer and shake my head a bit.

"You can take a nap if you need to. I'll watch Mollie for a couple of hours." Katie offers.

"You are a goddess sent from heaven." I say, I can't hide my relief. I begin to head upstairs when I hear Katie clear her throat. "Umm... Dominick.." she says.

I stop. "Yeah?"

"Can I ask you a couple of things?" she asks.

I return to the living room and lean against the back of the chair. "Umm... okay... Ask away." I say.

"Do you remember when I was a baby?" She asks.

   The question surprises me, really surprises me. "You were almost two years old when I was adopted." I answer.

"Did I look like Mom or Dad?" She asks. Why is she asking me this now? I wonder.

  "Katie, I'm exhausted and I was five years old. You probably looked like a hairy potato to me." I say. I let out a yawn and ask her what's with these sudden questions. She answers with a shrug of her shoulders and claims curiosity has gotten the better of her. "You're lying." My eyes say to her. I don't push her for the truth. "I'm heading to bed." I say as I head toward the staircase.

"Dominick, one more question." She says quickly. I let out a loud sigh and turn around to face her. "Is there anything you're... Hiding from me?"

   "Of course there are, there are some things you shouldn't know. Not now, and maybe not ever." I answer. My tone is drowning with exhaustion. I spoke the truth, I might not always tell Katie everything. Yet, I am mostly honest with her. In my mind, that's what big brothers do, or at least that's what they should do.

  Being honest and sharing secrets are two different things. They don't usually blend well together for someone like me.


 She is blonde... That was my first thoughts when I first saw Katie. I remember not being able to understand why she had such blonde hair.

   I know that some people who end up brunette, like Katie has, sometimes start with blonde hair. However, Katie's hair was really blonde. Mom and Dad's hair are both dark brown. Katie began to look more like a blend of both as she got older. Yet, I'll never forgot how I felt when I first saw her. I felt as if... As I already knew her. I remember thinking, I know her.

   Of course, I was five years old, I thought that every stranger I met was familiar. Ezibell had many "friends" who came in all races, sizes, hair color, and eye color. I probably associate Katie with one of Ezibell's blonde friends.

  Yet, there's always been something about Katie. There's always been this feeling I get from her that I can't explain. I'm so sleep deprived, I'm going crazy. I think to myself. I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep.


Hi! Quick note - I won't be writing for a while, I have to focus on final school exams, projects, and work. I love writing but I have to put that aside for now. I won't be back until Mid-May. I know that seems like forever, but when I return, I'll be back for a few months. Freedom... For a few months.

Story Fact #1 - Linkon originally wasn't going to be really a character. Just someone mentioned once and then never again. However, after I wrote him in I felt like he deserved to be a character.


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