☽ So Close But So Far

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What I saw made me freak out.

"Good morning," Flora smiled at me, a cloud of light green swirling around her head.

I blinked three times but it was still there.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yes, totally okay." I said quickly and followed her into the tiny kitchen. Archer and Zack were sitting at the square table, both eating omelettes but not talking.

They had colorful mist surrounding them, too.

I widened my eyes and couldn't help but stare at them.

Archer's mist was colored royal blue while Zack's was a vibrant red.

I was definitely going crazy. . .

"Maddy?" Apparently, Archer had been saying my name for a few seconds but I hadn't been listening.

"Sorry, what?" I blinked, avoiding their gazes.

"You just look dazed. Everything okay?" Archer said and all eyes were on me as I cleared my throat.


Just keep it in. Don't say anything. They'll think I'm crazy. Or making it up.

"What's for breakfast? Omelettes?" I took a plate off the table and walked over to the stove.

"Help yourself," Flora added, "I also have orange juice if you want some."

I was picking up my omelette with a spatula when someone knocked on the door. Everyone froze.

I wasn't expecting anyone.

"It's Beta Conrad, don't worry." Flora soothed and we all relaxed. She walked over to answer the door while I sat down, ready to enjoy my omelette and orange juice.

"I found this rogue on your territory." 

I stood up and snapped my head in the direction of the door.

"Noelle? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming?"

Her arms were forced behind her back and her throat looked red, no doubt he tried to strangle her.

"I changed my mind." Noelle's eyes flashed amber.

Conrad frowned, "Do you know her?"

"Yes, now let her go," I said and he instantly let her go. She hissed at him and walked into the barn.

"Sorry, Moon Goddess," Conrad apologized and I nodded.

Then paused. Conrad's cloud of color was a bluish-green, like a cyan sort of shade. Noelle's was a shade of dark scarlet.

I shook my head and sat down, hoping it would just go away. . .

. . . But it didn't.

All of the different colors were making my head want to barf. It just wouldn't go away, like it was permanently etched onto their heads whenever I looked at someone.

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