☾Until Now

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By now, I missed her

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By now, I missed her. The last time I talked to Cassie, really talked to her, was at her birthday party. But ever since werewolves were introduced into our lives, she hasn't been the same.

I found a letter under her pillow when she was gone. It was an invitation to a winter solstice festival at the mysterious werewolf castle. The letter said it would be an "honor" for her to attend and that she could bring me to make her more "comfortable".

She never even told me about it. And when I asked her, she said she didn't invite me because I'd probably be bored out of my mind and wouldn't know anyone there.

Except Landon, I wanted to say but that'd just make her mad.

So here I was all alone at this festival that I was only invited to out of pity. It was outdoors with clusters of people drinking wine and dancing under the little awning. No one made conversation with me but I could feel their stares cutting into the back of my head when I wasn't looking.

Yet everyone knew Cassie. She ditched me as soon as we arrived through the gates. She didn't need me anymore. I wanted to leave but I needed to stay. I wanted to prove Cassie wrong and. . . I didn't really have a ride home.

The frost became too much so I walked inside. While everyone was wearing fur coats and thick luxurious clothes, I was dressed in jeans and a simple cardigan. If Cassie had told me earlier I might have dressed better, not that I cared about this party. Once in the castle, I found myself walking through exhaustingly long hallways and getting myself more and more lost. How was anyone supposed to know where they were going without any signs? I reached a dead end and opened the only door I could find.

Instead, I found an open room with windows all around, snow slowly cascading down in delicate flakes. The room had a high ceiling, tall bookcases stretching many feet in the air. It was a library, I could tell with a closer look, full of thousands of old books.


I wondered over to one of the bookcases and read the spines on the books. I came across weird titles like "PHASING", "MIND LINK" and "HEAT", which made no sense.

"What are you doing here?" I flinched when I heard a voice behind me. It was Zack, the last person I wanted to be left alone with. "You're not allowed in here, can you get out?"

"I'm sorry, I got lost." I apologized.

"I won't ask again."

Something in me broke. . . and I snapped.

"What is your problem? What is everyone's problem around here? Why is everyone treating me like shit while my sister is getting waited on hand and foot? I don't know who you think I am but I'm not going to stand here and take this!"

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