☾The Other Sister

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"Archer, what are you talking about?" Alpha Ares demanded from the head of the table. He was looking at him like he'd grown a second head.

"How do you know?" Someone else asked, followed by a "do you think he's right?" and "you mean it's the other sister?"

I wanted to ask what he was talking about but I couldn't speak, my mind blanking out.

Archer gestured to me and everyone gawked at me like I was some zoo animal.

"Don't you see it, the aura around her? It was always overpowered by Cassie's because they were so close but now that she's alone-" He didn't finish. And everyone still stared at me.

I looked down, avoiding everyone's gazes. Especially Cassie's. Archer made it sound like we weren't close anymore.

"Are you sure?" Archer met Luna Alex's eyes.

"I've never been so sure in my entire life."


Ares looked at me in all seriousness, "Is my son speaking the truth?" Son? I looked back at Archer, about to ask what he meant, but he just looked at Ares. Does he mean Archer? Who was he talking about?

Then it hit me: Archer was the Alpha's son. He was Luna Alex's son. The Alpha and Luna were his parents. My mind exploded, I don't know why it hit me so hard but it did. Why didn't Archer ever tell me? Why didn't anyone ever tell me? I balled my hands into fists, hating that I was always the last one to know anything.

I looked up and found Ares staring at me, waiting expectantly.

Oh, wait, he asked me something. Shoot, what did he just say?

Is my son speaking the truth?

I remembered suddenly and gulped as I spoke, my voice wavering, "I don't know."

Should I tell them about the mind-link?

Drake stood up abruptly, "Alpha, you don't actually believe she is the Moon Goddess? Miss Cassandra was always the one, she's the one with powers, I've seen it with my own eyes." Cassie remained silent next to him.

"What powers?" Archer challenged and it made Drake's eyes flash amber. His anger meter rose quickly.

"You have no right, she is still learning how to use her powers properly. It takes time." Drake tried to restrain himself, like he was fighting himself.

Archer nodded respectfully, "I apologize, something like this does take time. Which is why it took so long for me to realize the truth."

Too many people. Too many stares.

I felt like throwing up, I couldn't handle this pressure anymore. I just wanted to leave. I just wanted it to stop.

I pushed my chair back with my legs and stood up frantically, "I—I have to go."

"Maddy," Archer tried to reach for me but I pushed him away.

I ran out of the dining room and felt everyone's stares burn into my back. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted out. Away from everyone.

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