☽ Werewolf in My Closet

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The werewolf was breathing in shallow breaths, its dark fur matted with blood. Its fur appeared black but it was actually a very dark brown.

I gulped.

Paralyzed, I stood there for a while and watched its stomach gradually go up and down. One of its ears was torn violently and its paws were filthy with dirt. The wolf was bigger than a normal wolf, curling its tail into its paws and moving its head once in a while.

The werewolf whimpered and I stepped back. It must be in so much pain right now.

Then the werewolf shook uncontrollably and the sound of bones breaking made my ears hurt. Skin was where fur used to be and its wolf body was morphing back into a human one.

In a span of about two minutes, the wolf transformed and in its place, a familiar boy was lying in a pile of my clothes in my closet.

"Archer?" I bent down to my knees and shook him gently by the shoulders.

He looked terrible.

There were deep gashes on his legs and arms and scratches on his face. His lips were split and there was dirt stuck underneath his fingernails. In addition to his wounds, he looked exhausted, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Maddy?" He sputtered and when he opened his mouth, I could see blood in his mouth.

"I'm here." I comforted him. "You need to go to the hospital-" I began but he grabbed my arm with strength I never knew he had. His strength didn't seem to dim despite his wounds.

"No, I'm fine." Archer shook his head and tried to sit up but he cried in pain.

The look on my face must've looked unconvinced so he added, "I just need to rest here for a while."

"Do you need some medicine? Or, uh, some clothes?"

I looked down and blushed. If it weren't for my dirty laundry, he'd be laying stark naked before my innocent eyes.

"No, thank you, I'll heal in a few days."

My eyebrows rose to my hairline, "A few days?"

"You forget that I'm a werewolf." He chuckled but suddenly stopped when it made him wince.

"Right, right," I smiled to myself. I couldn't imagine myself as a werewolf, hearing bones crack everytime to transform. And how did they carry their clothes around? I imagined in their teeth but wasn't that irritating?

I looked back at Archer, who had closed his eyes. Probably in pain.

I gulped nervously, "What happened?" It was a gory sight to see and it smelled foul.

"There was an emergency. . . at the castle. Wolves attacked us." He winced as he talked and I hated feeling so useless. I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. "I barely made it to your house."

"Was that why you weren't in school?" He moved his head yes, "What about the other werewolves? Are they okay?"

"They're fine. There were about five packs that attacked us. They were looking for you."

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