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The northern wind stung my cheeks as I helped North find some herbs.

How are your nightmares? North asked telepathically in my mind. I still couldn't wrap my head around the idea of communicating without words but apparently for wolves, it was as normal as learning to drive a car.

Strange was what it felt like.

The herbs you give me knock me out so I usually sleep like a baby. It was a little uncomfortable to be speaking in our heads. It felt like an invasion of privacy.

That's good. North never spoke out loud for reasons I wasn't sure of. She was deaf, I remembered, so maybe she refrained from talking aloud.

North told Ever about my ability to connect to the mind-link and she suggested I practice. It was weird, my thoughts were out in the open so I had to really concentrate on how to shield them. It was difficult and I usually got headaches.

I crouched down near a bush and recalled the herbs she had told me to watch out for. My hands picked the herbs of the same pale green shade.

Can you hear everything I'm thinking?

No, the link doesn't work that way. We can't hear all of your thoughts, just the ones you want to be heard.

So why can I talk in your mind like this? Am I a werewolf like you? Secretly, I wanted to be like them, to be supernatural. To be human was normal, overlooked and boring. But to be a werewolf was extraordinary, something different. And I wanted different.

I cannot be certain. If you were, you would have had all of our abilities since birth and your scent would be apparent.

So I'm not a werewolf? I tried to hide the disappointment in my voice.

North shrugged her shoulders in a tiny movement.

Some wolves don't phase until they are almost full grown and though it is extremely rare, it is not impossible. Wolves that are half human tend to have weaker senses and their mind-link is slower to develop. I perked my ears at this, hopeful again. But your scent leads me to believe that you're human.

I frowned. I had wished to be different.

Like them.

Don't be sad, She reassured me but I wanted so badly to be something I could never be.

I asked the question, scared of the real answer, Do you think anyone's still looking for me?

North looked at me with her striking blue eyes, Your parents, sister, friends, teachers, neighbors, relatives, family friends. They're probably looking for you now.

I hoped they were but the a little part of me doubted it.

I changed the topic, not wanting to talk about me. It would only make me regretful.

How did you end up here?

I met Ever a long time ago, I was twelve or thirteen. I'd been exiled from my pack because I was born deaf, She continued quickly before I could think of something to say, They thought a deaf wolf would be useless and worthless, an embarrassment to their pack.

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