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(A/N: I just read "Standard Procedure" by Oceanbreeze7 on (check it out:, so I was inspired to give Jarvis a bit more emotion in this chapter. I've always loved the idea that Tony's creations have human emotions, feelings, questions, and thought processes due to the fact that Tony treats them as if they were human. In the Iron Man movies, Dummy especially showed emotion that shouldn't have been capable of simple robots. The same goes for Jarvis and even Friday in post-Age of Ultron movies. Make sure to check out Oceanbreeze7's story because it is REALLY worth the read!)

   The worry is painfully evident in Jarvis' voice as he says the three simple words that send Tony's world spiraling into chaos.

   "She has ________."

   Tony lets out a veritable river of curses, each more imaginative and colorful than the next.

   Steve winces again and again as each one hits his ears, as if they physically pain him. "Stark, enough! Suit up and meet me at the jet, now!" he barks urgently as he runs off towards his own room to don his suit and grab his shield. He practically sprints to the elevator and then out onto the roof. Tony, Thor, and Bruce are already there, waiting beside the Quin jet. As Steve quickly approached them, the doors behind him ding open and Nat and Clint quickly follow him towards the others.

   Nat casually, but efficiently, checks the number of bullets in her guns as she climbs up the ramp after the others into the jet. Abyss is about to regret ever joining Hydra, she thinks as she slides into a seat along the wall behind the cockpit. The straightforward thought isn't a promise. Those can be broken. It isn't a resolution or a decision or a premonition. It is a fact, clear and simple.

   Clint checks his quiver as he drops into the seat beside her. He examines each shaft, every arrowhead, imagining how it will feel to see them rip through Abyss or explode around her. One arrow for every hair that she's harmed on ________'s head, he promises. He's much more optimistic about promises than Nat.

   Thor leans against the wall that separates the passenger compartment from the cockpit and sets his hammer by his feet. He can remember the first words that he ever heard you say: 'They were controlling me! I don't know when the chip will kick in again, but you have to stop me!' Even when you were in Hydra's grip, you were trying to save lives. You will save lives yet, Lady _______, he thinks, wishing that he could send some comfort your way, some reassurance that help is coming, no matter what stands in its way.

   Bruce collapses into a seat across from Nat and Clint, concentrating so hard on reining in his rage that he's practically shaking. The stuff boils in his veins, tightening his chest and squeezing his lungs, urging him to just let go and roar as the Hulk takes over his body. But he can't do that. He won't. Not until you're needed, he admonishes the monster. He lets out a shaky breath, faintly remembering bits and pieces of when you had fought alongside and against the Hulk. When you had fought him in the Hydra base, Bruce sensed that the not-so-jolly giant had a decent measure of respect for you. He was impressed by your fighting and when he was released once more, several months later, to find you fighting by his side, his respect had only grown. That, combined with Bruce's fondness of you and his protective instincts, can only eventually lead to a very pissed off Hulk punching Abyss half-way across New York. Bruce addresses his other personality, thinking, Don't worry. You'll get your chance at revenge. Bruce doesn't doubt that the Hulk will be needed in the fight against Abyss sooner rather than later.

   Steve marches into the cockpit with a soldier's grace, seating himself in the pilot's chair before realizing that they have an AI to control the jet.

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