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    The hover slowly descends in stealth mode, jolting to a stop as it settles on the sparse grass half a mile away from the Hydra base that was once Harvey Galloway's prison. You quickly follow Steve and the others out of the hatch into a small clearing surrounded by forest. Stretching, you look up at the clouded sky as you try to relieve some of the stressful tension in your back. No matter how many times you do this, you don't think that you'll ever be completely used to combat.

    "Alright, spread out," Steve commands. You form a long line along the forest's edge and begin advancing through the trees towards the base in the distance, close enough to each other to provide any needed assistance, but far enough away that Hydra wouldn't take you all out at once if they were to attack.

    Throughout the trek, your senses are on high alert, listening for the sounds of ticking bombs or rocket-propelled grenades or the thudding footsteps of Hydra personnel approaching. The sound that you do hear about halfway through your march, a soft twang, provokes confusion rather than worry.

    "My friends, I am sorry. It seems as if I have blundered through a trip wire," Thor apologizes sheepishly from the end of the line.


    Even without your powers, you can hear the blaring alarm and rumble of engines in the distance. Looks like Hydra's leaders are even more arrogant than you thought, if they didn't even bother to clear out.

    "Here they come!", Steve bellows as nine trucks of Hydra personnel roar through the woods toward you, machine guns whirring as they select their targets and prepare to fire. Bruce, who hadn't hulked out yet due to the need for stealth, finally lets the other guy out. With a roar, the Hulk jumps, smashing through the trees as he bitch slaps once of the trucks back the way it came, pounding the ground with his fists before chasing after it. Tony takes to the air, blasting agents as they jump off of the moving trucks and advance towards your friends. Thor manages to blast one more truck out of commission before they're among you, firing every which way and shedding Hydra agents like fleas.

    The next few minutes are a blur of burning rubber, yells, and bullets as you dodge a truck here, sonic scream there. Your senses are on high alert as you watch your own back as well as your friends'. After what seems like mere seconds of combat, you spin around, your chest heaving, only to find your friends in similar states standing among the bodies of Hydra personnel and the smoldering wreckage of nine trucks scattered on the forest floor. Once you have finished hog tying all of the agents, everyone turns to Steve for your next move.

    He glances around and nods, "Come on."

    You all follow Steve towards the compound, not meeting any more resistance as you pass through the tree line into the clearing that contains the base. Well, more like the base's entrance rather than the base itself. On the other side of the clearing, a plain dirt road breaks through the trees, leading straight to a ramp that is recessed into the ground with a pair of loading bay doors at the bottom. From the information that you gained from Harvey, you know that below the loading bay, which is right under the surface of the clearing, there are several levels of weapons storage, labs, and torture chambers. Despite the facility being large enough to house hundreds of Hydra agents, you had only faced about forty five back in the forest and there are no guards outside the entrance, which begs the question Where are the rest of them?

    "We are so walking into a trap", Tony mutters.

    "No shit, Sherlock," Clint mutters back.

    Steve sighs. "Alright, Hulk, you stand guard out here. You never know when reinforcements could arrive. Nat, you and I will head to the control room, scrounge up as much information as we can. Tony, _______, go secure the weapons storage. I want you to make sure that there's nothing that we should be concerned about, then lock it up tight. I don't want any stragglers to be able to easily arm themselves. Clint, Thor, you take the labs. Be on your toes and keep the channels open. They already know we're here, so there isn't really a need for radio silence."

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