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(A/N: Happy Holidays, everyone! :D Thanks again for all of the support that you have been giving this story, which I have at least 5 more chapters lined up for. After this, I'm thinking that I might write a bit of Destiel fluff or a Sherlock fic, but that's a long way off. I'll finish this story for you guys before tackling anything else. I hope that all of your presents were awesome and your days were filled with joy!!! P.S., sorry for the dark theme of this chapter. I promise that I'll be adding a bit of fluff next chapter, then a battle at another Hydra base, so stay tuned (: )

   After bringing him to the tower and locking him in a soundproofed cell, Nat attempted to interrogate him several times. You would create a silence around him and Nat would write questions on a piece of paper for him to answer, but he never deigned to answer them. Throughout each questioning, he would stare blankly. Not at Nat, but at you. Even when Nat waved her hands in front of his face, his empty eyes never left yours. The word creepy didn't even begin to describe this guy.

    Through facial recognition software, Dr. Banner had been able to figure out that the man was named Harvey Galloway and that had been reported as missing several months ago from a small town in Pennsylvania. The only family that they could find was his wife, a woman named Joann, who Steve goes to talk to. He explains her husband's situation to her and after quite a few adamant exclamations that he would never do such a thing and that her husband wasn't a mutant, she asks to see him. Steve flies her back to the tower in the Quinn jet and when she sees her husband through the 2-way mirror of his room, she breaks down crying.

    "That isn't him! That can't be him," she sobs. Eventually, Steve is able to calm her down.

    "What do you mean, that isn't him?," you ask.

    "It just isn't," she sniffles, "You know how the eyes are the window to the soul? Well, those aren't my husband's eyes. They're the same color and shape, but they're not his."

    Thor, who has accompanied Steve and you down to the holding cell, nods. He recalls how your eyes had changed drastically between when you were under the chip's control and when his lightning had made it malfunction, freeing you.

    Joann sniffles again as she looks back at her husband. "It's almost as if he's been possessed."

    That simply statement makes everything immediately click.

    "Steve, can I talk to you for a minute?," you ask as you move to the hallway outside the viewing room.

    Steve follows you and, sensing that you have an idea, waits for you to get your thoughts in order.

    "Okay, so you know how Joann just said that it's like he's possessed?," Steve nods, "That got me thinking, what if he's being controlled by a chip like I was?" Steve nods ponderingly.

    "It would make sense. He became a mutant after he disappeared and is taking part in crimes that the person closest to him is convinced he would never commit. That might also explain why he keeps staring at you. Hydra probably has a bounty on your head. Hmm... How about we ask his wife for permission to give him an x-ray? That way, we'll know for sure." You nod and follow Steve back into the room.

    A few hours later, Steve assembles everyone in the common room after getting Joann settled in a hotel down the street. Once everyone has settled into a seat, he begins explaining your discoveries.

   "After Joann arrived and saw her husband, she said something that _______ drew to my attention. We had a hunch that Harvey might not be acting under his own direction, so we ran a few scans and found that he has a chip identical in design to ________'s embedded in his brain. We have already explained his situation to Joann and she has given us permission to transport him to a hospital and have them perform the same operation that they performed on _________. Once he has recovered, this could be a great opportunity to get even more information on Project Evolve."

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