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(A/N: Just keep reading. Also, the artwork above was created by my amazing sister, Hannah, who agreed to draw the suit that I had designed a few chapters back)

   Using his supernatural strength, he threw her across the room with ease. Her body slammed into a stone pillar and although she definitely felt several bones break, she didn't care. She had to stop him before he could summon the dragon that would destroy the entire world.

    She rose slowly and painfully, barely maintaining her grip on her sword as she turned to face the wizard.

    "I will stop you. You won't get away with this."

    "Oh, but I will," he said with a narcissistic sneer, "You see, I've been getting away with murder and villainy for the past several centuries. It's been almost disappointingly easy."

    "And what have you been up to, you disgusting pile of rotten garbage?" Maybe, just maybe, she could keep him talking and he wouldn't have time to complete the spell before the end of the eclipse.

    "Oh, that may have hurt my feelings." He began circling her, waiting for the right moment to strike. "But to answer your question, I've been here and there. I robbed a few people, stole the souls out of others. Although, my favorite acts of violence were always the spontaneous ones. I can remember one instance, when I was visiting this quaint little village, a woman recognized me for who I was. She spit on me, which was not the smartest idea her little brain could conjure. In retaliation, I burned the entire place to the ground. Oh, what was the name of it? Ah!", a triumphant and infinitely evil look over took his face. "Now I remember! The little village was named Triticum."

    She froze, boiling rage consuming her, erasing her pain and steadying her blade. This was the man that had destroyed her village and killed her parents. After hunting the wizard for years, now she has come to learn that their deaths were over a mere slight. She flew at him in a rage, but he easily batted her to the side before her sword could find his heart.

    He leaned over her, kicking her blade away and holding her in place with a boot on her chest. With a malicious grin, he opened his mouth to continue gloating, ignoring her struggles as she writhed under his foot.

    "Miss ______, Tony requests that you meet him and the others down in the lab."


    It takes you longer than you'd like to admit to figure out that the voice isn't the evil wizard in your book, but Jarvis speaking though the hidden speakers in the room where you are currently curled up with one of your favorite tales of fantasy and adventure.

    You snap your book shut with only minor annoyance. Well... no, that's a lie. You are incredibly annoyed.

    "Did Tony explain why it is so important to interrupt me while I'm reading my favorite book?", you sigh.

    "I'm sorry, he did not. He did, however, request that you, and I quote, 'Keep your psychic tentacles away from the sheet in the center of the room. It's meant to be a surprise, so no spoilers.'"

    "Alright, fine. Tell them I'm on my way, please."

    Your curiosity is piqued so you set your book down on the couch and head towards the elevator. When you reach your destination, you find everyone leaning against the lab tables. Well, not everyone. Clint is sitting backwards in an office chair and spinning in circles like the child he is. In the middle of the room is what looks like a mannequin covered in a white sheet, which you don't examine despite your extreme inquisitiveness.

    "What's up?", you ask as you clear a spot on one of the tables and hoist yourself onto it.

    "Well, you've been on the team for a while now", Steve answers, "and the other day we realized that you're still going on missions in sweatpants and a t-shirt."

    "It's not what some of us would consider proper superhero behavior," Tony interjects. You give him a bitch face, but remain silent as you wait for Steve to continue.

    "So, we brainstormed and had Tony whip something up," the man in question looks mildly offended at Steve's unappreciative wording, but Nat quietly shushes him before he can say anything.

    "You don't mean...," you trail off with a wide grin, glancing at the sheet.

    Steve nods with a smile as Clint stops his spinning and pulls the cloth away, revealing a beautifully made suit. It consists of what looks like light blue spandex with silver armor attached to it, but when you reach out to touch it, it feels tough, like lizard skin.

    "I tried to make it as protective as possible," Tony explains. "That under suit can withstand fire, lasers, blades, and a whole load of other nasties that I won't go into. It can also absorb shock, allowing you to fall a maximum height of 10 feet without any more than a few bruises."

    The armor covers the chest, back, shoulders, midsection, knees, forearms, and thighs of the suit and is hinged, allowing for maximum mobility. Unlike the suits of some other female superheroes you knew of, yours isn't built for the enjoyment of men; it is completely without cleavage windows and the suit is actually functional and practical. Instead of heels, Tony has given you dark blue combat boots that come up to just under your knee and compliment the blue under suit very nicely. Finally, there are two blue stars on the suit: one on the neck and one on a belt around the hips of the suit. It is the most amazing thing that anyone has ever given you.

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you!", you exclaim as you tackle Tony with a hug. You quickly hug Steve and the others, thanking all of them before turning back to Tony with an excited grin.

    "Can I try it on?"

    He ruffles your hair and chuckles affectionately.

    "Of course, kiddo."

(A/N: Again, I just want to thank all of you for supporting my story, even when I'm inconsistent with uploading and my writing is rushed. I also want to thank my creative, awesome sister Hannah for the artwork and for supporting me throughout this entire endeavor. She proofreads all of my chapters before I publish them and has been incredibly helpful.)

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